2 thoughts on “For Zombie Fans”

  1. I watched The Walking Dead series just last week and thought it was pretty good. Kinda gets depressing towards the end of the season. They did a good job of giving the viewer the sense of desperation and despair as to the fate of mankind. Of course, my belief is that when you’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and you lose all hope — find a minigun.

    One line in the last episode of the season that really stuck with me is where the scientist at the CDC says, “”I mean, the world runs on fossil fuels. How stupid is that?” It seems the writers just couldn’t help themselves to throw some kind of libtard logical analysis into the show, “seeeee, we need renewables so we can survive the undead horde, dude…..” Of course, my thoughts of such things are that when life hands you lemons you make lemonade. In this case, you have bloated carcasses of dead fat American zombies lying around everywhere. Well, time to whip up some zomboline from a nice big batch of distilled zombie corpse reduction.

    My total solution to the whole zombie problem would be to build Skynet and use the terminators to kill the zombies. Of course that does mean there will be the inevitable day when Skynet comes to annihilate the humans for being a bunch of useless biological constructs that couldn’t even kill a few zombies. But by then we’ll have developed a time machine so we can go back to the past and shove Michael Moore’s head into a toilet. Not that this will save us or anything but hell, why not? Oh alright, we can also try to stop the butterfly effect by getting Oprah taken off the air once and for all. No doubt some disgruntled biological terrorist lamented, “I’d rather have my brains eaten by a mutant zombie than hear about O’s top ten must read books one more time.” Then, he fulfilled his heart’s desire by injecting Al Gore with irradiated rabid polar bear feces. Of course Al’s followers are so blind stoopid that they didn’t notice the name of the conference change from, “Climate Change Summit” to, “BRAIIINNNNS Summit”. And so they unknowingly waltzed into a zombie fest of chakra releasing and what not. And the rest was alt-history my friends.

  2. “They did a good job of giving the viewer the sense of desperation and despair as to the fate of mankind.”

    I got the same sense watching Congress getting ready to pass Obamacare…

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