

At her final press conference as House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”

The numbers tell a different story.

Well, no surprise. It’s the way she came in. For the last two years, we’ve been ruled by liars and thieves. Fortunately, they didn’t manage to rig the elections.

[Update a few minutes later]

And what a contrast with the incoming speaker:

Was all this humility a pose or was it real? Of course, I don’t know. But I suspect it was a mix, as many things are. Still, I would like to think that Boehner is a genuinely humble man because he is a assuming the role of speaker at what is arguably the most critical moment of our history since WWII.

True humility would give him remarkable strength against his adversaries who have been destroying themselves and us with over-weaning hubris. As we all know, our country is in jeopardy of spinning into serious economic decline. And no doubt the world would go with it. Supposedly brilliant minds have tried to save us from this, but to no avail. In many ways things have gotten worse.

It’s clearly time for a little humility. No more Mr. Know-It-All, governing with a sense of entitlement out of all proportion to reality. Will Boehner be the Anti-Obama?

We sure need one. More thoughts here: “Is John Boehner the real deal?”

[Update a few minutes later]

Compare and contrast:

A man who brags that his humility is profound is not humble. A man who claims certainty that his nomination is the moment when the entire planet will begin healing is not humble.

Boehner, on the other hand, didn’t talk about himself being humble. Genuinely humble people rarely do. Boehner simply spoke humbly. Falsely humble people rarely do.

Sincerity is one of life’s most important attributes. If you can fake that, you have it made.

4 thoughts on “Exit”

  1. But the Democrats’ plan to spend the next two years trying to put Pelosi back in the Speaker’s chair. Quake with fear, mere mortals!!!!!

  2. Oh nonsense, McG. If that’s the Deomcrats’ master plan, then I foresee a Republican sweep — President, House, Senate — in 2012.

    Forward S.S. Pelosi! Damn the icebergs!

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