5 thoughts on “The Country Is A Little Safer Today”

  1. That is a comforting thought. However, as long as she and everything she stands for is still around, we’re far from safe. That, and the sad fact that Obama and Biden are #1 and #2 on the list is depressing. One can only hope America will see the foolishness it unleashed in 2008 and learns from that mistake for at least a generation.

  2. I believe that should be “no longer second in line for the presidency”, Biden being first in line and Obama being the actual president rather than in line for it.

  3. One can only hope America will see the foolishness it unleashed in 2008 and learns from that mistake for at least a generation.

    Polls don’t show near enough of that. Obama still has way, way too much support still. As long as the school system continues to be little indoctrination centers we will have generational problems.

  4. Oh I dunno. Nancy Pelosi could realistically only become President in a shooting war, with both Obama and Biden knocked out. Under those circumstances she might do quite well. You want a raving autocratic cocksure bastard in command when you go to war.

    Admittedly, you want someone flexible and bright, too, and she might not be the first choice there. But we could do worse. Indeed, I suspect Obama himself would be a poorer war leader than San Fran Nan. The O Man strikes me as a bit of a puss, whereas no one doubts Pelosi’s willingness to claw the eyes out of innocent black children if they get in her way.

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