8 thoughts on “Anti-Americanism”

  1. Time and unrelenting evil.

    We don’t screen our supreme court nominee (except for show.) Why is it a surprise we don’t screen the people that teach kids?

    Evil must be fought. We haven’t.

  2. It occurs to me that the power of the left would be greatly diminished if we did just that one thing. Not allow any progressive teachers to find work. Tenure? Forget it.

  3. But if Mommy and Daddy don’t look at the books the kids get from school, they don’ ask about school work, don’t quiz the teacher and they don’t tell the kids any TRUTH about American history, you can’t just blame the teachers and schools.

    The local school system was so happy when my younger son graduated they celebrated. (no proof, just prior attitude to go on)

    I remember DEMANDING additional lessons and clarifications about WWII when my older son was in high school. (to read the book WWII sprang out of the ground full born, much like mice from a wood pile in spontaneous generation)

    Ultimately, teaching your children falls on YOU!! Trusting it to anyone else totally is a fools way. And I know plenty of these fools.

  4. This article helps me answer a question that has bothered me for quite some time. Where do those college students who graduate with “angry studies” (e.g. women’s studies, ethnic studies, gay studies, etc.) find employment after graduation?

    Apparently, the answer is that a lot of them are public schools and textbook companies. Many of the rest probably end up employed by the government in other capacities. What company would want to hire a bunch of professional malcontents trained to look for grievances?

  5. What company would want to hire a bunch of professional malcontents trained to look for grievances?

    The majority of the members of the mainstream media.

  6. I think there’s a number of non-profits looking for angry people with poor career outlooks (ie, cheap to hire). Does seem unlikely that all these people find gainful employment, doesn’t it?

  7. There is a lot more than opening a book and learning going on inside of a school. Today Calif, had an accidental shooting from inside the book bag. I wonder what the original intent was?


    A week or so ago a student in Omaha shoots and kills one of the staff.

    I go to work each day knowing that I take my life in my hands because I am on the front lines, as a teacher. We had to ban parents from coming on to the playground, even with a visitor’s pass on, because two 8th graders could not get along, and the mother of one young student, came to school and beat up the other girl. When arrested she stated “If the school can not keep my daughter safe, then I can” I wonder what the other mother thought about her daughter’s safety at that moment?

    It appears to me that things are out of control on almost every school campus. Now, granted I work with middle school students (8th) grade. They come to school angry and out of control. But I have seen it in 5 year olds in the midwest all the way to the university campus in Virginia.

    I am beginning to think that the best solution is a scientific approach. Mandatory online education. Move at your own pace and motivation. Stay home and work your fingers to the bone. When you are ready to graduate, we send you the diploma.

    I had a student tell me today, in an angry tone that he knew where I parked my car” I responded with the only thing that came to my mind…” If you are that interested in that silver lawn mower I drive, you’re welcome to it, and selling it for car parts probably wouldn’t even pay for a plate of refried beans.”

    I filled out the usual incident report which gets reported to the local authorities…he gets a 3 day “vacation” and I go about my business and on to the next incident.

  8. I meet at lunch time with a group of students who all have assorted types of emotional problems. I threw out for discussion the idea of mandatory online education. Cost savings being the biggest sell for me, just for starters. My list of positives is almost endless it seems.

    As expected, out of the 7 students, only one thought it was a good idea. She is from the Middle East and stated that when she turns 17, like her older sister she will go online and complete her education. One student hated the idea. He stated “what about all of the social learning?” I almost fell off my chair in shock. This, from a student who has tried to kill himself three times already and he hasn’t reached high school. The girls…well of course, “we need school to be with our friends” I asked, what friends are you referring to? Certainly not the 5 bullies that make your life so miserable every day that you end up in an emotional group session at lunch time.

    Well folks the vote is in…the majority want a campus to go to, where they can escape *home life*… for various reasons.

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