13 thoughts on “The Climate Gravy Train”

  1. And I see that someone is claiming in comments that academicians would be awesome in the Real World, but that they’ve sworn to use their powers only for Good. So who here thinks that say 50% of climatologists could be really awesome quantitative analysts?

  2. I’m sure they would be great on Wall Street, after all doesn’t curve-fitting work for stocks?

  3. I would like to see a study on the percentage of grants approved that site Global Climate Change/Global Warming in their grant proposal as appose to all other grants approved.

  4. “# Karl Hallowell Says:
    March 11th, 2011 at 10:05 am

    High Speed Gravy!
    # Titus Quinn Says:
    March 11th, 2011 at 10:05 am

    High Speed Gravy!

    Why you’s wise guys! You want high speed gravy? How’s ’bout a high speed stooge slap? *s-s-s-slap s-s-s-slap

    Or, a stimulus induced bonk to the belly? *BONK

    Watch the birdie watch the birdie FOOORRREEEE!*slap your nose off

    Watch out for the well intended and federally subsidized poke to the eye……..*PLINK!1!

  5. OK, Rand, you finally convinced me.

    Today’s Earthquake was caused by the over-heating of the top layer of the Pacific Ocean interacting with the much colder lower level (due to melting ice from Japan’s mountains). The corresponding shock of these two collisions, combined with the higher (or lower, if that works better) levels of CO2 in the area forced a seismic shift in the earth below.

    The resulting tusnami was caused by the oil companies recklessly drilling and generally mucking up the oceans and the thousands of fish species that are going extinct each year because the oceans are getting warmer/colder/more saline/less saline and generally upset by all of the cars driven in the US.

    The giant whirlpool you saw was really Godzilla rising from the depths to vanquish all of the world’s polluters/evil guys/wall street bankers (or to save time, Republicans). He’s going to ‘ride the tide’ all the way to Madison to save the poor, disinfranchised mob union bosses as his first act, then demand we build thousands of non-bird killing wind-mills, harvest the sun, live on geo-thermal energy, and hold hands, happily ever after.

    And oh yeah, I’ll take $100,000 for this brilliant analysis, thanks, Rand. We all know we climate scientists are way too smart for the rest of you.

  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if the rainbow-in-the-sprinkler lady blamed the quake and tsunami on HAARP, which of course set off the solar flare and attracted the CME to strike the earth RIGHT OVER TOP OF that Japanese nuclear plant so that…


    So that…

    Dammit. Just melted the tinfoil in my hat.

  7. I’ve listened to Greenpeace
    I’ve listened to fools
    I watched them fudge data
    At the CRU

    Enviros conditioned
    To rule and control
    The media sells it
    And you pay the toll

    Al Gore’s still screaming
    Barking insane
    Science off the rails on this gravy train

  8. “Today’s Earthquake was caused by the over-heating of the top layer of the Pacific Ocean interacting with the much colder lower level (due to melting ice from Japan’s mountains). “

    I was at the bar last night watching the Dallas Stars. It was pretty dead because well I guess people are saving their energy for the St. Patties parade today. Anyways, I pulled my laptop out to browse the web during intermissions and I found a gallery of earthquake related pictures coming out of Japan. This lady sees what I’m looking at over my shoulder and remarks that, “It’s all because of global warming! I totally believe it is all because of that…” It took every ounce of energy to keep my head from slamming down on the table. I just clicked next and changed the subject with a slight, “That’s nice”, nod.

    I know about people posting online that they believe this global warming snake oil. I’ve yet to actually meet one in the wild. So yes, they do indeed seem to exist.

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