4 thoughts on “I Would Have Attended My High-School Graduation”

  1. I can’t understand why, after ignoring the will of the majority of ALL the voters regardless of their affiliation, Mr. Obama is being given the cold shoulder by American High Schools. Being generally un-popular is how they pick people to speak, isn’t it? I remember reading how Hitler, Stalin, Mao used to get hundreds of invites yearly from High Schools.

    (snark, snark)

    Do they have HS Graduation Speakers in Chile, Cuba, or China. You know what I mean, countries where his policies are either liked or would be just day to day totalitarianism. Places where he’d fit in.

    (repeated snark)

    Here’s yet another situation, where his lack of contact with or his understanding of Joe Average Working American, be they Democrat or Republican, leaves him outside in the cold. He’s insulated himself in the uber-left politico, academic club, community-organizer world, and although I used to think it was an act for the rubes, he really is clueless.

    My fear is that at some point he’ll snap and go after his ‘enemies’.

    (that’s his term, not mine)

  2. Der Schtumpy,

    You probably ment Venezuela, not Chile. Salvador Isabelino del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Allende Gossens (i.e., Allende) has been dead since 1973, and Chile has prospered since 1980.

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