2 thoughts on “Dead Jews Is No News”

  1. Steyn gives the evidence for, but doesn’t draw, the conclusion: the enormous worldwide sympathy for Israel, indeed the original impetus for the modern state, was the reaction to the Holocaust. Today, with the survivors of World War II almost gone, the memory has lost its power.

  2. I agree with Titus. We had a survivor from one of the camps, speak to our middle school students. She answered their questions, and at the end of the discussion she made it clear that she had to choose between attending the funeral of a friend and fellow camp survivor or come to give her presentation at our school. She chose to come and talk about it so perhaps the memory will not fade as quickly. In her mind, that was more important.

    Many things she said that day that were quite moving, but the one I recall…a student asked her what she felt like when she finally left the camp? Her reply “I never left that camp”

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