5 thoughts on “Extremists”

  1. Now that I think about it, this is typical economic hysteria just with a political flavor. As usual, it’s irresponsible (and in some cases, treasonous) to suggest that a bout of delusion will end up anywhere other than endless bliss. I wouldn’t call it a “bubble” because I don’t think we’re seeing the overvaluing of assets as the cause of this. It’s more a bunch of people thinking they can get a giant free lunch from all those rich people.

  2. The problem is not Obama, the problem is the idiocy of the electorate. We used to have the collective wisdom to not elect a completely empty suit. More and more I think Heinlein Starship Troopers got it right, only the minority that have put their life on the line should have a vote. I’d trust them more than the whole rabble.

  3. Ken, it kinda sounds like you think that if the people were just a little bit smarter they could elect someone who could take care of all their problems.

    The truth is, they have to take care of themselves.. the government should just be there to ensure they don’t harm others in doing so.

  4. No Trent: he’sa saying if people were just a little bit smarter they could elect someone who could stay the hell out of their way while they solve their own problems.

  5. McGehee is right. Trent don’t you know by now that I’d cut the government to the bone, with military defense being about all they do? Everything should happen at the state level and those tin gods should be as limited as possible. One thing I’ve observed over the years as a programmer is very few people understand the power of simplicity.

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