9 thoughts on “Chomsky Versus Hitchens”

  1. If my arch-enemy in Black Ops or some other FPS named his/her gun after me, I would feel proud.

  2. If my arch-enemy in Black Ops or some other FPS named his/her gun after me, I would feel proud.

    One can only imagine the carnage once wrought by the Vera.

  3. Rand, thanks for posting this. I’m going to print both Hitchens’ post at Slate and Chomsky’s garbage and study them. Chomsky’s original at Guernica isn’t available due to bandwidth, but there is a copy at Organizing Notes (on your blogroll as Space4Peace).

  4. If my arch-enemy in Black Ops or some other FPS named his/her gun after me, I would feel proud.

    I’ll name my next roll of toilet paper, “Noam.”

    As an aside, he (as well as some others of his ilk) have changed their 9/11 stories completely over a few years. I find that a little more damning even than the outright ignoring of evidence (and other signposts of reality). It’s one thing to change your story because new evidence or logic indicates you were wrong. It’s another to change your story because the old story no longer fit the Narrative.

  5. It wasn’t just Bambi vs Godzilla. Godzilla spotted Bambi support from Thumper and Flower yet still took down their forest.

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