4 thoughts on “Thoughts On Rampant Racism”

  1. If you want to see racism in colleges. Look around for PICTURES of the faculty.

    It’s 2011 and most of their faculty pictures look like Corporate America from 1958!!! Damned few, if any, dark faces. (and in more cases still, fewer still who are AMERICAN born dark faces…foreigners are always superior thinkers by admitted American University Academic Standards)

    You’ll have to search for pictures of Faculty Club Events to find good pictures. Most places don’t publish pictures of the faculty en masse. But you’ll see what I mean. White faces, lots and lots of white skinned faces!!

  2. Recipe for evoking “deer in the headlights” expression from faculty/staff:
    1. Be a “person of color”, preferably a student
    2. Get into a discussion with a person not part of the college of engineering or physical-sciences
    3. Express an opinion on “race relations” which runs counter to left-wing orthodoxy
    4. Enjoy

  3. I would be tempted to answer “African” to such a question, especially if it was important for reasons of eligibility and even more so if I was going for a course in anything that involves studying humans.

    As a matter of fact, my immediate (the last century or so) ancestry is mostly Scottish with a leavening of Russian Jew (apparently my great-grandfather was a Russian sailor who jumped ship); but in the last analysis we are all of African descent.

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