53 thoughts on “Economic Ignorami”

  1. Thomas,
    and even IF it is a return to John Birch, it looks to me like they were right!!

    They kept screaming about the U.N. taking over the world, the U.N. sub-planting the Constitution with a World Government and the whole U.N. being a bunch of America hating Socialists.

    What the hell party of THAT sentence wasn’t prophetic on their part!?

    And if the SDS / America hater / fundamental change crowd has a right to free speech, why don’t the Neo-John Birch people? Just because Crowd 1 says so?

    Aw, BS Tomas, BS!

    And Tea Party occupied?

    At the point where Tea Party members, many of whom were already Republican voters, become 50.0000000000000000000001% of the crowd, it’s not occupation, it’s MATH!! Go back and look at the Republican Party even of Reagan’s Time. The Tea party IS on the same platform NOW. It’s the John McCain, Mitt Romney, Arlen Spector RINO crowd that drug at AWAY from that.

    Quit relying on your memory of what ‘is’ or ‘was’ and do some homework for Google sake.

  2. Karl,

    Nothing inconsistent. If you do your research you will find that Fred Koch, father of the Koch brothers was a founding member of the John Birch Society. So it’s the same politics with a new brand name to fool a new generation unaware of the history of the Republican Party. And you are buying it hook, line and sinker.

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