“Our Live, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor”

A perennial classic from Rush Limbaugh’s late father. The people currently running the country certainly have lives and fortunes, but they seem to be a little short of the “honor” stuff, sacred or otherwise.

And celebrate, amidst the hot dogs, barbecue, ice cream and fireworks, and commemorate this anniversary appropriately, with an oral reading of the document that was signed two hundred and thirty five years ago today.

[Update early afternoon (PDT)]

More thoughts from Jeff Jacoby:

If Nature and Nature’s God intended human beings to be free and equal, then the only legitimate government must be self-government. For if none of us is naturally subordinate or superior to anyone else, no one has the right to rule us without first obtaining our approval. Political power, Locke had written, stems “only from compact and agreement, and the mutual consent of those who make up the community.’’

The Declaration of Independence emphasized the point. Not only are all persons endowed by nature with the unalienable rights of equality and freedom, it avowed, but “to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.’’

No lawful government without consent and self-rule: It was an extraordinary doctrine for its time. . . . July 4 marks more than American independence. It commemorates the great political ideals, rooted in faith and philosophy, that vindicated that independence – and that thereby transformed the world.

But some wish to transform it back.

5 thoughts on ““Our Live, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor””

  1. Those portions of the document we celebrate today, applicable to President Obama:

    “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”
    “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation…”

    “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States”

    In Life, Liberty and Pursuit,

  2. The honor of our forefathers is laughed at as foolishness today. If you have that kind of honor there is something wrong with you in today’s view.

  3. “If you have that kind of honor there is something wrong with you in today’s view.”

    Not just that kind of honor- any kind of honor.

    Honor, good, or evil are “matters of opinion”.
    As is everything- there is no such thing as objective or true.

    The analogy being you teach some children about the theory relativity and they conclude they no such thing as automobile accidents.

    Perhaps we should make science optional- some can’t seem to handle it. Or those that want be children all their lives, shouldn’t be required to study adult topics.

  4. I’ve vowed to stop calling it the 4th of July, and start calling it independence day. words have meaning and calling it the 4th cheapens it.

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