Trouble To The President’s Left

Bernie Sanders says that he needs some primary competition, but I found this an insightful comment:

Obama is a bland take-no-chances-unless-other-people-are-doing-the-hard-work type of guy. He’s not a leader, but just a vessel through which the left thought they could get all their pet projects passed, by endowing Obama with Absolute Moral Authority by virtue of his historic position.

But to get elected, Obama had to have a bland, beta-male personality, and that’s what’s driving the left crazy. People like Bernie knew Obama was lying to swing voters in 2008 about being a moderate; they just thought he was also lying to them about being a beta male. Now that he’s got push back from House Republicans on his and the left’s pet issues, he doesn’t have the stomach to either take on the GOP ideologically by presenting a plan of his own, or to tell his own side to pound sand and move towards a compromise deal the way Clinton did on welfare reform.

They didn’t mind Obama’s lies during the campaign — they expect people to lie, given their projection — they’re just mad at him because he lied to them.

17 thoughts on “Trouble To The President’s Left”

  1. Obama can propose any amount of entitlement cuts and tax increases he wants. He knows that the House Republicans wont go for the tax increases and it will never get to be the Democrats who wont vote for entitlement cuts. Very clever.

    The downside as the link shows, is that the Democrats will have a harder time using Mediscare. Notice the usage of words “have a harder time” and not “can’t”. Obamacare actually cutting $500b from Medicare didn’t stop the Democrats from enacting a Mediscare program.

  2. On a side note – man, I wish we would quit using the terms “alpha male” and “beta male.” There are already two perfectly good words for alpha and beta — they are “strong” and “weak.” I guess they don’t sound skientific enough for some people, but they only make me think of Naomi Wolf coaching Al Gore on how to look more like a man and less like somebody’s old maiden aunt in drag.

  3. I just got back from a whirlwind trip to central IN from central NC. I had opportunity, again and again, to talk to friends and family from back and forth the on political scale.

    REGARDLESS of their political leanings, I find damned few people who remember that we have NOT had a budget in over two years. A span that includes the LEFT controlling the pen for all but the last 7 (seven) months!!!! There are, go count them if you like, three Octobers in that span where there was SUPPOSED to be a budget submitted.

    When I reminded them of that, the Right Leaners had mostly FORGOTTEN amid the current nuttiness, the Left Leaners blamed Republicans (for being born), the economy (GWB left Obama THAT), and…GEORGE BUSH (because he was born to screw up the economy of the First Black POTUS)

    I think we’ll see Obama re-elected. We’ll also see food, pay, fuel and money rioting like in other parts of the world. Only I think our ‘entitled classes’ will throw a bigger fit, and they’ll take more lives.

    They won’t be happy JUST burning buildings and cop cars!!

  4. Obama’s election depends on his ability to get the idiots worked up again. Idiots that through the fog that is their brain know that Obama lied to them.

    Never underestimate the power of idiots.

  5. Yes, I still haven’t forgotten the Rolling Stones cover. Look, it’s Al “Your Windsong Stays On My Mind” Gore! Just one thing is wrong, though — he needed to be wearing a poet shirt open to his navel (they could have added chest hair the way they touched up his,er, package), and the background needed to be a beach with a couple of white horses running on it.

  6. ” they only make me think of Naomi Wolf coaching Al Gore on how to look more like a man and less like somebody’s old maiden aunt in drag.”

    Andrea, I sort of think that’s the point behind the term.

  7. Obama’s election depends on his ability to get the idiots worked up again…

    Perhaps. More importantly, I’d say, would be for him to match or exceed the $750,000,000 he raised for the 2008 campaign.

  8. There’s a more common word for idiots: voters. You have a system that forces you to choose someone to represent you who doesn’t share your values. If you just don’t vote then others will. Whether it is because they don’t share your values or they feel they have to vote for someone is irrelevant.

    Richard Pryor had it right: there should be a “none of the above” box but it should also count for anyone who doesn’t vote. After a few years of failing to elect any “representatives” you’ll start to see *real* representation.

  9. ken anthony Says:
    “Obama’s election depends on his ability to get the idiots worked up again. Idiots that through the fog that is their brain know that Obama lied to them.”

    Obama knows this and telegraphs his line of attack a speech or two ago. He said something to the effect that people don’t know or care about what is going on with the debt ceiling or deficits. Some people took the comment to mean he thought people were too stupid to understand economics and should just leave it up to the politicians.

    Because people are not knowledgeable, for whatever reason, Obama can say whatever he wants. It is not like the media will contradict him.

    Obama always does this and some Republican strategist should take advantage. It is like playing poker with a person who tells you what they have in their hand and still losing to them.

  10. Trent Waddington Says:
    “Richard Pryor had it right: there should be a “none of the above” box but it should also count for anyone who doesn’t vote. After a few years of failing to elect any “representatives” you’ll start to see *real* representation.”

    Like if the percentage of people who didn’t vote was bigger than the winner, there would be no one elected? Interesting. Wonder if that would have any impact on voter turn out or if the people who don’t care now would continue not caring.

  11. So, Trent Wadd, anyone who votes is an “idiot”? Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Then again, you live in the Matrix so you can imagine anything you want and it is real.

  12. Trent, when you start off by calling anybody who votes an “idiot”; don’t be surprised when you get responses in kind. Also, be a alpha male strong man.

  13. Actually, the word “idiot” was coined in ancient Greece to refer to people who didn’t participate in the political system.

  14. Hmm, Trent insults all voters by calling them “idiots” and then gets upset when I call him out for it. And yet he brags about calling Bob Zubrin names. Pot-kettle-black, et Trent? People are very thin skinned where you live, or so it would seem.

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