10 thoughts on “A Cubical Planet”

  1. I stopped reading after the gratuitous slam at the Tea Party. Must *everyone* interject their political opinions into *everything* they write?

  2. Jason, I have a crossword puzzle app on my phone that I enjoy — except for the very occasional gratuitous political slaps at someone or other to the right of Hugo Chavez in some of the clues, never in the same puzzle series twice.

    I gather there is a freelance puzzle writer out there somewhere who slips these things into his work and ends up persona non grata with whatever publisher he did it to.

    At least that’s my theory; I’ll need to see more such eruptions to get a better idea of what’s going on.

  3. Must *everyone* interject their political opinions into *everything* they write?

    Are you entirely innocent of such behavior, Jason? Just asking, I don’t really know.

  4. Jason, you need a thicker skin – it will get worse before it gets better (if ever it does). Puritanism is a leftist behavior.

  5. Are you entirely innocent of such behavior, Jason?

    Can’t speak for Jason, but I can say that I am entirely innocent of the behavior of injecting my political opinions into everything I write.

  6. Reminds me of a pair of novels by fantasy novels by Dave Duncan where the world was a dodecahedron. In the novels, it was possible, though very difficult, to climb from one face to another, I’ve never done the math to discover if that was actually reasonable, though I have my doubts. (the novels: Children of Chaos and Mother of Lies)

  7. dodecahedron

    Ya beat me to it. Reduce the earth to the size of a cueball and it would be the smoothest thing you’ve ever encountered.

    was actually reasonable


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