3 thoughts on “Dumb Campus Moments Of 2011”

  1. The one about the student who got expelled (temporarily as it turned out) for a Facebook post struck a cord with me. Too often I’ve been at college campuses where students’ day to day living was merely viewed as a captive revenue stream by the college. I’ve seen overpriced bookstores, restaurants, public phones, and debit cards with fees if you don’t use them in a month. The colleges also have a tendency to charge a bunch of fees for various services, often unneeded just like the most annoying of banks.

    It does make me wonder what’s wrong with people who can endure the dysfunctional monopolies of a college campus and then rail against “free” markets without connecting the dots.

    1. “The way the school was marketing the card was completely unacceptable,” Bechtol said. “I have a problem with a government agency, such as a public college, getting in bed with a financial services company. It’s a bad mix.”

      Where are the #Occupiers against this crony capitalism? Taking a nap?

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