9 thoughts on “The Power Of Property Rights”

    1. I was just about to say that if they switched the before-and-after captions, it would resemble Detroit.

  1. I think many of us are wondering about the U.S. going from being like the ‘Afters’ to the ‘Befores’ over the next few years. If Obumble gets re-elected, he’ll work hard to make us a Third World country JUST like those pictures of the GRU.

    And, it’ll get done ASAP.

    or at least PDQ.


    The DB’s.

  2. You know you’ll never win with these arguments right? See, this isn’t a triumph of capitalism over communism, this is a triumph of social democracy over communism and capitalism. If you try to push the point, people will claim Detroit is what capitalism produces. “The ends are better” is a terrible argument not just because they’re not always better for everyone, but because you’re implicitly saying that the moral argument doesn’t matter.. that if communism had produced prosperity it wouldn’t have been wrong.

    1. You know you’ll never win with these arguments right?

      With whom? The orcs at the core? Those are lost souls. Even Ayn Rand knew that, which is why she directed her arguments squarely at the uninformed.

      But I fully agree with the moral agument, the case I always make.

      1. But these are the idiots that elected Obummer. They have to be fought and they must lose.

        Never in my life did I expect or would I have believed, even with the media endorsement, that we would ever elect somebody with his background. Except perhaps somewhere like the state of MA.

        Black guy or woman, yes. Marxist (or whatever socialist flavor he is) no.

  3. I went to see the before and after pics abut East Berlin .But I got bummed out when I saw the side story about a rare ear-less rabbit that got killed when a cameraman that was filming it for a news story accidentally stepped on it. I guess the rabbit should have taken the left foot at Albuquerque.

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