12 thoughts on “Retirement Of Ye Asse-Hatte”

    1. Great minds think alike – I made that suggestion on Samizdata years ago.

      If Atkinson channels Edmund Blackadder and Mr. Bean in the right spots, he has Matthew 10:16 covered – “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”

      Unfortunately, the current occupant has the wisdom of a clay pigeon.

  1. He’s a spineless, theological dunce, as well as being an economic and political illiterate.

  2. He is not a dunce, but boy is he politically and economically illiterate. Note also that he is not a libertine, he was criticised equally by liberals and conservatives for trying to steer a middle course.

  3. Gee, maybe the next Archbishop of Canterbury will actually be a Christian.

    Naaaah, I’m probably dreaming.

        1. For one he is the Archbishop of Canterbury. In the absence of evidence to the contrary that makes a pretty good case for him being a Christian.

          1. Well, I am sure he THINKS he is a Christian. Might be more convincing if a lot of the crap he believes didn’t so contradict the Bible.

  4. If you say Ye Ass-Hatte? Mor like Yeashatte. Say it fast and it sounds arabic.

    Mabey he can go to work for the Saudi Grand Mufti who issued the recent Fatwah on destroying churches.

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