It’s The Sociology, Stupid

So, apparently, I’m not skeptical about the need to wreck our economy to save the planet because many of the scientists promoting it have been shown to be frauds and hacks. No, it’s because I’m a threatened, “conservative white male.”

What would I do without professors of sociology to explain such things to me? I particularly love the “98% of scientists” line. Because, you know, science is all about majority opinion (and no, even if it was, I don’t buy the number).

15 thoughts on “It’s The Sociology, Stupid”

  1. This is an excellent recitation of the warmist worldview. All the tropes and conventional wisdom are there, spelled out in unapologetic black-and-white.

    Nice find.

  2. Simply put, we must reduce our use of fossil fuels that are largely responsible for emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and causing extreme weather conditions like hurricanes, floods, drought, tsunami, earthquakes, heat waves, warm winters and melting polar ice caps.

    Simply put, you need an editor Olga.

    A lovely and highly entertaining conglomeration of modern academic mush. This is probably my favorite:

    The mainstream media’s “balancing norm” practice then allows the denialists to be placed on par with the climate scientists.

    Anyone who can’t get a good deep phlem-clearing guffaw from that is probably not breathing.

  3. I think this related to the previous post. Look at the article and its list of denial mechanisms — isn’t that how most modern leftists treats government debt and the oncoming public pension crisis? As noted, projection is best tool of analysis for them.

  4. That article was such a dense wad of ignorant liberal mythology that it collapsed into a black hole of stupid, a perfect example of eco-idiocy wrapped in thick layers of hackneyed Marxism, even citing noted communist Howard Zinn. If this is an example of what the warmists are left with then their failure will be spectacular.

  5. Has there been any value in Sociology?
    With Marx as it’s inspiration how could there any hope for the subject?

    If Sociology was not stupid, what could it say about the human failure of leaving earth?

    What societal factors have prevented the humans from expanding into an environment which has unlimited useable energy and endless resources?

    What is our long term future of billions of humans not being able to leave the cradle.
    What sacrifices of liberty are being asked at the moment, what will be said to be needed in the future?

  6. I did see a quote once attributed to Ambrose Bierce “The Devil’s Dictionary” that sociology was invented so that women and the feeble minded could play at being scientists.

    Apologies to the many highly competent females in real scientific fields but probably not including climatology.

  7. Floods AND drought (more water AND less water) ? CAGW is an unfalsifiable hypothesis. I.E. it is unscientific. Even if the government grants these people the title “scientist”, they are not real scientists.

    And blaming tsunamis and earthquakes on glueball worming is just plain retarded.

    1. While I agree it’s a fraud. I respectfully can not agree with you.

      Increased temperature means increased energy which could have all those results. The fraud is that the assertion alone is considered settled science and any skepticism (something all science is suppose to include) is “DENIAL OF OUR MOST FAITHFUL AND PURE TRUTH.”

      They really, really want that red button.

      1. An unfalsifiable hypothesis is still unscientific. The hypothesis may be true but if its mechanism cannot be falsified, it isn’t scientific.

        1. I don’t know why it wouldn’t be falsifiable. It may just be too complex for now. In any case, the problem is the assertion is not science. Shouting down others isn’t science either. But speculation, right or wrong, certainly fits within science.

          Not knowing how to test something doesn’t mean it can never be tested.

  8. Check out her list of other articles. If she dashed off a screed about nuclear power/weapons now and then, she’d be the female Bruce Gagnon.

      1. ROTFLMAO!

        sent our children into endless wars against invisible enemies

        Those damned Romulans!

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