7 thoughts on “Derb And Discourse”

  1. “waving your arms and babbling loudly like a madman”

    Reminds me of when my stepdad was a contractor in Saudi Arabia (around the time of the Kuwait invasion.) Off work, with nothing else much to do, he decided to take a walk into the hills. He came across a group of baboons. Both he and the group were a bit stunned to meet, but the baboons soon seemed to have lunch on their minds as they eyed my dad with their several inches of fangs.

    He put the above method to use confusing the baboons and then made a hasty retreat. He didn’t get eaten that day.

    My question: Does this story make me a racist or speciest?

    1. Lol, Ken. Maybe, when interviewing potential friends, non-leftists should consider using the Monty Hall problem to screen out Bayesian probability deniers.

      1. I remember the hullabaloo from Marilyn Vos Savants column many years ago. It was amazing how many mathematicians continued to argue against her clear logic.

        1. I was expecting him to drop the pack and say to the other guy, “I don’t have to outrun the bear. I just have to outrun you.”

          Of course, then the bear disappoints by continuing after him so he falls to his knees and begins to pray. It seems to be working when he notices the bear on his knees next to him. “It’s a miracle he says.” Then the bear says, “quiet, I always say grace before a meal.”

          1. Bear was just trying to find an answer to that old bear joke about hikers shitting in the woods. Answer: yes.

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