6 thoughts on “What’s The Real War On Women?”

  1. Personally, I think that FGM is worse than either. Leftists would, of course, call me crazy for saying that. Its there culchur, innit? (in case it’s not obvious, errors intended)

    1. FGM is worse than honor killings? Part and parcel of the same philosophy, I suppose, that women exist to serve men (and no, not the cookbook). You might argue that many more women are mutilated (and, of course, the mutilation isn’t limited to genitalia), but honor killings affect many, many more women than the ones that are killed (think about the impact of the relatively few beheadings in the West).

  2. But it’s a MUSLIM thing, so its off limits.

    Of course the flip side is true. If the force Catholic Institutions to give out condoms or even to pay for abortions for employees, there’s VERY little possibility of 19 Christian Fanatics between 18 and 35 flying planes into anything.

    So I’m assuming it’s just a fear thing that keeps the Left from condemning honor killings. It just can’t be that the Left is somehow in bed with, or in support of Islamic Extremist attitudes, it just can’t be.

    1. But it’s a MUSLIM thing, so its off limits.

      There are existential consequences for ticking-off Muslims.

      Everyone else…not so much.

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