38 thoughts on “Why We Can’t Trust The Left On Gun Control”

  1. You don’t even need that: just say “California” or “New York”. The course ran from, “We’re just gonna register your Evil Black Rifles, only a paranoid fool would ever dream that we would ban them or register any other kind of gun” to, “We know where you live now; give up the guns or be shot (Dinkins actually sent SWAT teams door-to-door)” to, “we’re expanding the arbitrary ‘assault weapon ban’ to cover basicaly whatever we want, and we’re gonna register your handguns too” and now is at “we’re gonna ban handguns we don’t like”.

    The Dems never deal in good faith- especially not on gun control- and any cursory examination of the record confirms this.

  2. First they came for the AK-47’s and no one cared because they are for noobs. Then they came for Hello Kitty M-16’s and no one cared cause pink is for gurls. Then they came for…

  3. That was a good article. Somebody once said, “Political correctness is Communism writ small.” Well, it may start out small, but over time it becomes full-grown.

    I found this link in the comments. Read down to the cake analogy.

    And yet the Republicans are constantly willing to make “reasonable compromises” with the left. Every time we compromise with the left, the country moves inexorably leftward. I cannot think of a single instance where a compromise has moved us back to a more Constitutional position. That ratchet only goes in one direction.

    1. Except for Gun Control, yes? It’s been an amazing twenty or so years for Gun Rights, and it wouldn’t have happened all at once. But one small change at a time works for us too. The great failing of “Real Conservatives(TM)” is to always try to tilt at the Windmill, and, of course, to think that political battles can ever be over…..

      1. It took the Massacre of ’96 to get the little point across to the Republican Congressional Delegation that “Voting Yes On Gun Control” equals “Looking for Another Job”. Unfortunately, it appears that ’96 was the last time they learned anything at all.

    2. On a number of other issues, the country has, in the past 50 years, shifted substantially towards policies that tend to be favored by Republicans: lower tax rates and transportation deregulation, for example.

      1. The fact that shift is remarkable, however, demonstrates why vigilance remains necessary. The other side has not given up on gun control, not even in the face of a Supreme Court ruling affirming it as an individual right (John Roberts’ recent mischief has no doubt emboldened them).

        1. No argument there sir. It’s just that there are a lot of people like Rickl on our side, and they may not mean to, but they are like unto Wormtongue, and their council of despair must be stopped. We do not need another third party “too pure to touch the base clay” throwing elections to the Democrats. No more Bull Moose! No more Wilson!

  4. I’m a total gun rights believer.

    There were numerous wealthy people in America, circa 1776, who OWNED cannons, and ships with cannons on them. Those were the ‘Sherman Tanks and bazookas’ of the day. I see ZERO restrictions on those in MY copy of the Bill of Rights.

    Technically, Bill Gates, Warren, Buffet, and even that idiot Bloomberg, have enough money, and should have the 2nd Amendment Right, to own a Arleigh-Burke Class DDG, AND the Rights to arm it!! The Founders made no rule against owning ‘military grade’ weapons. And do you know WHY they didn’t?

    Because many of the men who fought in the Revolutionary War had also fought in the French and Indian war AND they still had their Brown Bess musket. It was THE best ‘military grade’ weapon for a single fighting man there was. And that IS the gun they were protecting, so the citizens could protect themselves FROM the government, when they WROTE the Bill of Rights.

    So give me my bazooka, or give me death!!

  5. Before we get to “Anything goes” we should at least have parity with the -police-.

    The police are going to have the advantage of both numbers and organization in any sane interaction with the citizenry anyway. This would significantly retard the militarization of the police, and simultaneously make many of the -less- lethal items accessible to the citizenry. (Pepper spray, tasers, etc.)

    1. Al,
      we started and had an ‘anything goes’ gun system until they tried to take automatic weapons out of the hands of rum runners and gangsters during Prohibition. But how’d THAT work out? Machine Gun Kelly was called that for a reason. (and it’s not because he talked in a staccato manner…)

      And we need less lethal means WHY. Al, the crooks, thieves and rapists don’t follow a less lethal course. Neither would a Muslim Insurgent group already living here and getting arms from the MexiDrug Cartels. That’s yet another reason why we need to seal the border, we’ve already found Islamofascist books and letters mixed in with Mexican / Guatemalan newspapers. But Achmed bin Bombin won’t stop for pepper spray most likely, buy my 9mm might convince him to quit breathing.

      And for THAT matter, NEITHER would the U.S. Military be stopped by pepper spray or tasers if the country turned to an US vs THEM scenario. And guess what Al, THAT’S why we have the 2nd Amendment, to fight off an overbearing government. Re-read the Declaration and the Constitution, very little in there about rape or home robbery. NOT for all the mindless raping, robbing, home break ins in the world do I need a machine gun, I’ll grant you that. But home invasion wasn’t a problem then too much, well except for the Indians. For that, (circling in here) we had Brown Bess!!

      BTW, lawful gun owners DON’T shoot at police. So giving me pepper spray to use anytime, instead of a gun of any kind so that I don’t shoot the police is BS. And the police won’t be a problem if the citizens revolt against this WH, the next one or 10 from now.

      Just as with the Revolution, it’s the military you have to fight. Which brings me full circle (twice or third time) to American citizens lawfully owning ANY kind of firearm or artillery they wanted until the last 60 or 70 years.

      If any of you want the straight skinny on our ‘used to be full’ gun rights, get a copy of “Unintended Consequences”. It goes way out there some ways as to how we could remedy this situation. But the how we got here is factual.

  6. I have an unpublished novel called A Gift of Liberty which describes the way freedom dies. Some of it is based on Ralph Nader’s Green Party platform which everyone should read. It really sounds good on the face of it, but so does Communism. Hitler was elected to office twice.

  7. There are any number of leftists, from ths guy to me, who don’t like or agree with the decision to block Chick-fil-A’s restaurants. We disagree for the same reason – it’s unconstitutional.

    1. Who cares? You and your handful of like-minded leftists will simply be out-flanked by those who are much, much holier than thou.

    2. Broken clock is still right twice a day?

      Yes, that was snarky, but congratulations Chris – there’s hope for you yet.

    3. I wouldn’t even have to go so far as the Constitution.

      Ask supporters of gay marriage if they think mayors and city councils should have the power to prohibit business ownership based on sexual orientation, and even opinion about sexual orientation. How would that power have played out over the course of the 20th century? How would it play out now in most of the United States?

  8. Why would we trust the Left on gun control? If a group’s politico-economic policy is based on legalized looting, you’d be stupid to trust them, any more than you would trust a guy who’s hand you found dipping into your pocket to remove your wallet.

    And as the bumper sticker says: “If you want to disarm me, why would I trust you?”

  9. As far as I can tell, neither party has a monopoly on odious politicians willing to try to trample on First Amendment rights their constituents don’t approve of.

    1. Broadly speaking, conservatives/Republicans want to restrict things like pornography. Leftists/Democrats want to enforce acceptable opinions on political issues and shut up any opposition to them.

      1. Restrict pornography and erotica, pass laws respecting an establishment of religion and impeding the free exercise of religion, and restrict political expression that fails to treat the flag as a sacred object.

          1. Creationism in public schools, enormous monuments to the Ten Commandments at courthouses.

            I’m not aware of any courthouse with an “enormous monument” to the Ten Commandments. There are plaques, yes, but a plaque does not become “enormous” merely because you dislike its contents.

            Nor does a monument, however enormous, constitute an established religion.

            An “established religion” is a technical term, referring to an official state church. At the time the Constitution was adopted, some states such as Massachusetts still had established churches. The First Amendment prohibits Congress from passing any law with respect to established churches, either to disestablish them or to establish a new church at the Federal level. Contrary to popular belief, it does not separate government from religion but leaves such questions to the state level.

            Public schools are run by the states. The First Amendment does not prohibit states from determining what curriculum should be taught in public schools.

            Whether you believe states should determine school curriculum, or whether you agree with the curricula they have determined, are questions that have nothing to do with the First Amendment.

            Laws passed by Congress, on the other hand, are another matter. Congress passes a great many laws affected what teachers can or must say in public schools. That is clearly prohibited under the First Amendment. The fact that Congress hasn’t mandated teaching your particular bugaboo (creationism) has nothing to do with whether or not it’s Constitutional.

          2. Since 1925 and Gitlow vs. New York, the Supreme Court has held that states no longer have a free pass on violating First Amendment rights, because of the 14th Amendment.

            The Dixie County Courthouse Ten Commandments are carved on a six tons of granite.

        1. Amazingly enough, America managed quite well from its inception till the mid-’50s as an overtly Christian country. There was no theocracy and in many ways it was a better place to live. It wasn’t until the War Against Christianity (can’t even call it a war against religon, as some religons seem to be more equal than others) was declared that certain parts of civic life began to collapse. This is something the Evangelical Athiests don’t seem to want to talk about.

    2. But we repudiate Republicans who act like that. You worship DemoKKKrats who act like that.

  10. Is Will McLean supposed to be making some kind of libertarian point about theocrats of the Right and theocrats of the Left? Or just some sort of stupid “liberal” gotcha game? Is he saying that the Republicans are just as statist on gun-control as the Democrats? Not in this universe, as far as I’ve seen.

    1. The American theocracy has been decisively atheistic since the 1950’s. Mr. McLean’s concerns, if genuine, are antiquated. Based on his blog, his head is stuck in English Medieval history, so it should come as no surprise.

  11. I should add that it might have been true at one time that some Democrats were big on gun control to keep firearms out of the hands of uppity Negroes who might want to defend themselves from lynchings; but I was referring to the real world of today.

  12. The witch hunt is gaining serious momentum.

    As Prof. Jacobson notes, Obama offcially ceeded prime victimhood status by coming out and supporting gay marriage. The LGBT coup of the Democrat party that started two decades ago is now complete, and with it, the rest of America. Anything less than completely enthusiastic support of the LGBT agenda is grounds for legal punishment by any means necessary.

    Liberals love the quote “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”

    No it will not.

    Of course it won’t — even the Bible forbids taking a man’s millstone.

  13. Hell yeah we need to do something about Chick-fil-a and gun control. Your fingers get so greasy from a large order of waffle fries it makes it a helluva lot harder to control your gun. That’s why I’m a staunch advocate of peanut oil resistant grips.

  14. Would-be boycotters should use “The Scarlet Letter” as a guide. The fictional Puritans’ intolerance had its limits. They wouldn’t buy Hester’s needlework for bridal gowns (for obvious reasons), but they saw no problem with her handiwork adorning christening gowns, shrouds, or even their magistrates’ official garb.

    (For anyone so interested, there’s a more detailed post on this perspective at my blog, complete with “Prisoner” references. It takes The Village to raze a dissident.)

    One way we can put this into practice is to buy anything from the Chicoms except for American flags and anything used in Fourth of July celebrations. (Don’t the Taiwanese make fireworks?)

    If SSM fanatics followed this rule of thumb, they’d reject Chik-fil-A as a site for SSM receptions and meetings for organizations that promote SSM – or any of the other institutions Dan Cathy insulted (promiscuity, serial marriage) – but ONLY in those instances.

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