Cheapening The N-Word

Kira Davis has some words for Toure:

I know what it looks like. I’ve felt its hands on my skin, seen the look in its eyes, felt the burn of its words. It is deliberate and it is real. Racism is not disliking our black President because of his socialist leanings. Racism is the scar I carried near my lip for decades after one particularly harsh punch in the mouth from a kid screaming “NIGGER!” at me while swinging away. Racism is that guy in the diner, the hoses and dogs turned on folks from my grandparent’s generation just looking to drink at a decent water fountain. When you accuse a person of racism, THAT is the legacy of hate you are laying at their feet. It’s every bit as heinous as accusing someone of being a child molester arbitrarily. When you accuse Mitt Romney and other conservatives like me of being racist based on no other proof besides the fact that we vehemently disagree with this President and his policies, you dilute the history and experiences of people like me. You cheapen that word – nigger. You rob it of it’s true horror – a horror we should never forget or take for granted.Not only that, Toure; but you cheapen yourself. You make it clear to blacks like me that you, indeed have no clue in hell what real racism is or where it can be found.

These people are truly vile. He is a child, and a vicious one.

As Ed Morrissey says, there is real racism out there, and this kind of political tactic trivializes it.

17 thoughts on “Cheapening The N-Word”

  1. I work in a junior college with a large proportion of black students. I hear the N-word on a daily basis, and it’s not coming from the white students. I’m afraid that Miss Davis is trying to close the barn door after the animals have fled and the barn burned down.

  2. Should have seen Totally Biased with Kami Bell last night. First he tells Biden not to use racial metaphores in front of black people, then says Romney wants Obama to go back to Africa. In case you don’t know the show, it’s on FX and produced by Chris Rock. It is supposed to be another news as comedy show.

  3. Racism is the scar I carried near my lip for decades after one particularly harsh punch in the mouth from a kid screaming “NIGGER!” at me while swinging away

    I hope the next kid swings harder. The one referred to here didn’t get the job done.

    1. Keep your racist crap in your own blog.
      First time ever I called someone the R word. And I picked the right time to do so.

      1. O noes, the ultimate weapon — the word “racist”. Am I supposed to cower in fear now?

        Well, here’s a news flash for you: your attempt to negate my point of view by the use of hate speech has failed. I love White people. If that makes me a racist, that’s okay with me.

        You posted your ad hominem. Now here’s mine: you are a bigot who hates white people and wishes to negate their existence (and that applies even if your yourself are white.) Keep your genocidal insults to yourself.

        First time I ever called anyone a self-righteous, europhobic douche. And I picked the right time to do so.

        1. “I hope the next kid swings harder. The one referred to here didn’t get the job done.”

          And what exactly is the “job”?

          No one should be beat because of their color of their skin and advocating that type of violence is disgusting, even more so because the context is the act of a child.

          “Well, here’s a news flash for you: your attempt to negate my point of view by the use of hate speech has failed.”

          Why do you think it is ok to use hate speech? You negate your own views by using it.

          “I love White people. If that makes me a racist, that’s okay with me.”

          It is entirely possible to love white people but not hate people who are not white. There is nothing wrong with being white just as there is nothing wrong with being black.

          The people here don’t care that you are white, they care that you wish violence done to black children.

          I don’t know if you are a moby or a real person and I really don’t care. Your blog looks like a parody so who knows?

  4. When the “safety interlocks” are off on the mouths of the other side….when they are free to say whatever they want, true or not, without being called on it….or if they are willing to say anything even though they *are* called on it….

    then we have a formidable problem. As Keyser Soze said in the “Usual Suspects”:

    “… be in power you don’t need guns or money or even numbers…you just needed the will to do what the other guy wouldn’t…”

    1. …you mean the one from the book? Because he’s surely THAT kind of Moby we’re dealing with, but just drop the Moby part…

  5. The REAL modern racism is in the liberals looking at anyone who is WHITE, checking their Voter Registration Card or listening to their opinion, NOT hearing them agree with the Liberals and announcing that they are racists!

    When I was a young man, the 1960’s, that was the definition of a racist. Someone who judged someone else solely on the color of the skin, or disliking them on the color of their skin. For me, the craziest part of modern (D) thinking is throwing away two of their biggest used to be heroes

    JFK & MLK.

    Jack Kennedy’s, “..ask not, ” speech is a joke to them. And Kings “..I have a dream…”, likewise, just a forgettable joke to the idiotarians on the Left. How did we go from ‘Ask Not’, to ‘Where’s MINE’, in less than 50 years? And Dr. King can be no less bemused at how fractured and fractious we are now.

    Sometimes, like Homer Simpson, I feel like I’ve gone to another realty that’s ‘close’ but not quite home. But it never rains donuts here. (rats!)

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