A Divorce From Obama

That’s what millions of voters have finally decided they want:

For the sake of metaphor, think of any friend who has called you and, after a tumultuous, but passionate, relationship, finally, finally, come to the realization that her husband isn’t the man she thought he was—at all.

It isn’t that her husband hasn’t failed her before; he has. But something happens to crystallize her intent to move on—a particularly harsh comment from him, a single and obvious lie (one too many). And when she announces she is leaving, and you hear resolve, rather than wistfulness, in her voice, you know she is not turning back. She isn’t making a show of packing her bags; she’s moving out.


Well, millions of voters may now have packed their bags and moved out, after a whirlwind romance with President Obama and a relatively short marriage marred by unemployment, constant arguing, name-calling, signs he never much liked them, anyhow (at least not the patriotic ones), and one of those terrible nights (debate night) when (in those words that any man who has gravely disappointed a woman has heard) he “had nothing to say for himself.”

I never saw what they saw in him in the first place.

14 thoughts on “A Divorce From Obama”

  1. I never saw what they saw in him in the first place.

    I agree that if Obama loses, it will be because he lost many voters’ support. But I don’t think either one of us has much personal insight into the thought processes of those voters: you because you never supported Obama, me because I see just as much reason to support him now as I did four years ago.

    1. Actually, those voters thoughts can be seen easily. It’s simply a lack of rigor along with constant reinforcement from a feckless media. You are the real mystery Jim. Obama is the worst president we’ve ever had to such a degree that almost everyone on this blog would gratefully choose whomever qualifies a second worst. So how do we explain you?

      You seem to be the poster child for observational bias. You can always find a chart or statistic to support your view no matter how wrong. No argument, no matter how sound, can make a dent in your world view.

      I have to say, you impress the hell out of me. That’s not a compliment.

      1. Isn’t that the truth. Carter was a disaster, and yet, now that I think about it, even a second term of Carter would be preferable to a second term of Obama.

      2. Sorry, but James Buchanan is still the worse. Despite all that the Campaigner-in-Chief has done, He hasn’t sat back and watched as Buchanan did when his fellow Democrats tried to tear the country apart after they lost an election. Then again, the three months after the election are gonna be interesting, especially all the pardons that He’ll issue…

        1. Buchanan was a lousy president, but he never tried to transform America, he tried to keep it together while it was trying to tear itself apart. He was stupid enough to think the court could settle the issues of the time. We have much less to fear from just a weak president to one that is actively trying to destroy us.

          I’d take ten Buchanan’s before one Obama.

    2. I see just as much reason to support him now as I did four years ago.

      I think we all agree on that. For years ago he was a mystery candidate with no accomplishments who wanted to be president when we had a horrible economy and an unstable world situation. This time he’s a mystery candidate with no accomplishments who wants to continue the horrible economy and unstable world situation.

    3. ” I see just as much reason to support him now as I did four years ago.”

      So do I – NONE.

    4. Jim writes:

      “….me because I see just as much reason to support him now as I did four years ago.”


      Just what would those reasons be?

  2. Jim, thanks for the daily confirmation that you really are clueless. Kind of “the joke of the day” for the rest of us.

  3. “I see just as much reason to support him now as I did four years ago.”

    Well, of course. You’re not just clueless (as Eric Weber says) but a statist as well. A clueless statist backs a clueless statist’s re-election: no shocker there.

  4. What motivated the support for Obama in the first place was blatant cowardice. He promised young cowards that they wouldn’t have to serve in war if they voted for him, and they followed their cowardice and voted for him.

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