You Have To Break Eggs To Make An Omelette

Nurse Bloomberg says that people should have to suffer a bit.

…Mr. Bloomberg also argued the number of pain pills currently being prescribed had even contributed to an uptick in violent crimes outside of pharmacies from robbers looking to steal the drugs.

“You see there’s a lot more hold-ups of pharmacies, people getting held up as they walk out of pharmacies,” he explained. “What are they all about? They’re not trying to steal your shaving cream or toothpaste at the point of a gun. They want these drugs.”.

Yes, and you know what would reduce the number of hold ups? If they could get them legally.

You know who I’d like to see “suffer a bit”? This overprivileged midget fascist.

21 thoughts on “You Have To Break Eggs To Make An Omelette”

  1. I get the notion of legalizing drugs, but there’s another issue here. The thugs are robbing people, so who does Bloomberg go after? The victims. He punishes the victims rather than fight the crime already on the books. Another case of new laws to make innocent people criminals while ignoring actual criminals. Yet, the people of New York got the politicians they wanted.

    1. A fascist? Why not call him a communist?

      Oh I forgot, to leftists communists are “good” totalitarians…

        1. To be pedantic, there is a difference. Property owned by the government in proxy for the “people”, vs. property owned in name by private parties but controlled by government regulation. But both are tyrannical forms of government organized around central management of what is better left in the hands of the individual.

          1. “both are tyrannical forms of government organized around central management”

            Which is exactly what I try to tell lefties who think that communism is a wonderful idea that just hasn’t been given a fair trail yet and that GW Bush (or all Republicans) was a fascist.

    2. C’mon people complaining to Chris. In the words of Mr. Rodney King, “Can’t we all get along.”

      Cannot people on the Left and on the Right get together is brotherly solidarity that Mr. Bloomberg is an obnoxious scold?

  2. Rand, you missed one important point.

    Bloomberg wants to restrict the supply of painkillers in the city’s emergency rooms. If people can’t get the medicine they need at the emergency room, they will have to go to the pharmacy. So, more people going to pharmacies -> more people getting robbed outside of pharmacies.

    If Bloomberg wants to cut the number of robberies, he should prohibit pharmacies from selling painkillers — or anything else. If customers stop coming, robbers will stop coming, too. There are other consequences, however.

    A better question is, should the city own hospitals in the first place? What exactly qualifies Bloomberg to run a hospital? Did he stay at a Holiday Inn last night?

    1. The broader picture is what right does any level of government have to own anything? Let them rent. A fire sale of all government owned property would be a good place to start to pay down the debt.

    1. Hell with that. There are a variety of entities that get to follow different rules.

      1) Tribal embassies.
      2) Foreign Embassies.
      3) Churches.

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  3. “You see there’s a lot more hold-ups of pharmacies, people getting held up as they walk out of pharmacies,”

    Hey, I get held up after I walk into the pharmacy — does the Mayor know what kind of line they have at the prescription pick-up counter at a Walgreens? (bah-doom boom!)

    “What are they all about? They’re not trying to steal your shaving cream or toothpaste at the point of a gun.”

    Oh yeah, does the Mayor have any idea on what Walgreens charges for dental floss? (Kah-chunk!)

    “They want these drugs”

    Right. Wikipedia warns that my blood pressure meds have the side effect of male, um, “chest” enlargement . . . (swishhhhhh!)

  4. Obama says you can’t have the operation but instead have to take the pain pills, Bloomberg says nope, can’t have the pills either.

    What a tag team.
    Had enough government yet?
    Or do you need some more?

  5. Standard Leftist response to any problem: Punish the innocent, ignore the guilty, and excuse themselves (and their buddies) from the punishment. >:-(

  6. Wouldn’t grossly mislabeling some pill bottles have brought these robberies to a natural end?

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