8 thoughts on “In Defense Of Alex Baldwin”

  1. I don’t think there’s any doubt that this Baldwin is a HUGE, World Class ass hat. But that calling her names, is a ‘crime’, PUH-leez?

    I know that I am not alone in here being an aged, rearward gust of breeze, but I thought they taught us old farts how to handle this sort of thing, way back as SMALL, small children. She should have said,
    “…sticks and stones might break my bones but words can never hurt me, you foul mouthed, racist d1ck head, NOW, can you answer my question!?”
    I’m dead set against the entire idea of hate crimes, as there is no such thing as ‘love crimes’ on the other side. Crime by its very nature is anti-social, selfish and for lack of a better term, mean. About the same as throwing racial slurs.

    But the PC crowd has somehow [through leftist, hand wringer, judges] managed to make parts of speech become less than free. And that grown adults are so knocked out of their frames by words spoken about, or near, or at them is ridiculous.

    And I might have a different view of words used against minorities, if those same words weren’t used BY them, ABOUT them and BETWEEN them. If the ‘words’ are what’s offensive, then why use them? And I have heard those words used in anger and as pejoratives BY the people of various minority groups.

    So why does it make them ‘criminal’ when someone who isn’t a minority uses them? Because it’s ONLY offensive when used by people NOT in the club? Too bad the Left doesn’t follow that rule when they talk about people who AREN’T in agreement with their ideals. Going back to a comment I made yesterday, under the Mother Jones Quote posting, and tying it in here.

    If it’s hateful and using words that are offensive to those at they are hurled, then some of those Mother Jonesers should be on Death Row! And I didn’t see anything thing there, that I haven’t seen a 1000 times before.

  2. In order for something to be a legitimate hate crime, it must be 1) motivated by hate, and 2) also a crime.

    It sounds like Baldwin was motivated by hate, but what’s the underlying crime here? “Contempt of paparazzi”?

  3. If it’s hateful and using words that are offensive to those at they are hurled, then some of those Mother Jonesers should be on Death Row!

    Or locked in a room with William Shatner and a karaoke machine.

    1. I’ve seen Shatner’s live act and he delivered good value for money- and not in a trainwreck kinda way. Karaoke may be crossing the line, though.

    2. Or locked in a room with William Shatner and a karaoke machine.

      No, that special corner of Hell should be reserved for the vilest of criminals and whoever it was that messed up the user interface in Office 2007.

  4. Live by the Leftie BS, die by the Leftie BS. Throw him into Attica for a few years, so he can be among people who share his politics and worldview.

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