7 thoughts on “Open And Transparent”

  1. By the way, Mickey Kaus is disappointed the Republicans appear to be gaining ground on the Sequester War, and he expressed special concern that the Republicans will do the sensible things of holding firm on the Sequester but pass on shutting down the government.

    He is of the opinion that Immigration Amnesty is existential whereas everything else is small stuff. He is hoping against hope that the Republicans will pick battles that they lose so they will have their backs against the wall on immigration.

    And before Jim starts up with Republicans being against things they were for, President GW Bush famously wanted Imigration Reform and got pushback from the base. Is anti-Immigration Reform politically unpopular? Hard for me to tell; I get my information from the Echo Chamber, with the exception of Rand’s fine site where contrary opinions are aired, but so many of the contrary opinions have such low (1/p) log(p) it is hard to learn much from them . . .

  2. Obama just made perhaps the biggest mistake of his entire presidency by uttering the phrase “Jedi mind meld”. Why? Because his saving grace from criticism has always been the perception of being cool.

    1. I suggested on a more recent thread that “Jedi mind meld” was striking a balance between knowing enough about Star Wars and Star Trek “for all you (age 50 and above) young people” whereas getting it wrong was to show that his priorities rise above popular culture quiz-show questions.

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