The Hypocrisy Of The Left

Yeah, I know,that’s an evergreen post title. This time it applies to their strange silence about Mike Bloomberg spending millions to deprive us of our civil rights:

Apparently the New York Times‘ editorial board’s description of politically-active billionaires as “the perfect illustration of the squalid state of political money” only applies to those of the conservative variety. And how about President Obama, who just months ago was slamming the activities of conservative billionaires on the campaign trail and proposing a Constitutional Amendment to muzzle them? According to his former campaign manager Jim Messina, who appeared Sunday on ABC’s This Week, not only does he fully support the mayor’s activities, but they are leaving the door open to using their new Super PAC, Organizing for Action, to run their own ads complementing the mayor’s campaign.

For the record, I fully support Nurse Bloomberg’s First Amendment right to waste his money on the odious cause of taking away my Second Amendment rights.

One thought on “The Hypocrisy Of The Left”

  1. There’s a way to change the Constitution, already built in–amendment. It would be so much more productive and legitimate for people, including Herr Bloomberg of the Third Reich, to spend their time, money, and effort into getting people to agree to amend the Constitution. Want the Second changed? Amend the Constitution. Then the debate would be focused and clear.

    Of course, the Constitution was made intentionally difficult to amend, which is why a slow coup (by both and all parties) has been going on since our inception to circumvent that process and slowly increase the size and scope of government power well beyond its clear constitutional limits.

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