25 thoughts on “The Boston Bombing”

  1. The lesson seems to be that the useful idiots of the Left always remain useful (to the enemies of liberty), and always remain idiotic.

  2. They were nutters pure and simple, nutters will often wrap their failure to fit in to the society they live in in political and religious terms to rationalize their violence, as did Anders Breivik.

      1. Whereas you live in the simple world of children, where there are only Goodies and Baddies, the Goodies always honorable and brave, the Baddies always deceitful and cowardly.

          1. Thank you for giving us an excuse to never again take you seriously.

            Which is just an example of you demonstrating your Goodies and Baddies, black and white world view, I disagree with you on one issue, so in your mind everything I have to say on all issues has no value.

          2. It’s not that you disagree; it’s that your position on this issue makes plain your lack of judgment, which brings the value of all your opinions into question.

          1. “They were nutters pure and simple. . . ” And yet he criticizes others for having a simple world-view.

  3. There might also be actual sleeper cells of radical Islamists waiting for the call to spring into action.

    Even he can’t just come out and say it. They aren’t sleepers. They’re wide awake and make no bones about it. Just round up everybody that’s ‘for it.’

    The incompetence is amazing. Doesn’t there dictionary have the word sedition in it?

    Freedom of religion does not mean freedom of sedition. If god is going to change our government, fine. If people are trying to do it with bombs, that’s not the same thing. I feel silly even saying it.

      1. Are you inciting criminal acts against the government, or encouraging people to vote out the current government? The latter is sedition only on the twisted world view of enemies of freedom.

        1. The definition doesn’t specify.

          According to many definitions, I have “incited” people to not pay taxes, ignore copyright warnings, defy laws that prohibit the distribution of films and video games which our “classification board” has deemed unfit for adults to watch, and otherwise ignore a bunch of dumb laws which are either unenforceable or simply shouldn’t exist.

          Ken seems to support the idea of sedition, but perhaps it’s not this definition? Ultimately, the only definition that matters is the one they crack your skull with. I think it’s simply the oldest motivation for restricting the freedom of speech.

          1. I think “against the authority” does specify. If you’re agitating to vote the rascals out, you’re conceding that they are in power by legitimate means, even if you impute to them illegitimate goals.

          2. Well Trent, I’m sure your government will charge you with sedition if you choose to “ignore a bunch of dumb laws” related to detonating bombs specifically targeting innocents.

            It’s nice to see you respond to ken’s statement about feeling silly. Very appropriate. Your silliness doesn’t really rise above boring pedantics, but I’m sure you’ll keep trying.

          3. So, Curt, you don’t think Ken should be held responsible for advocating laws that have been used to suppress freedom of speech for hundreds of years?

            We already have laws against making and using bombs.. we even have this great law that is meant to stop people from murdering other people. Sedition is about stopping people from talking bad about the government.

  4. And, al qaeda agents have been apprehended before they could carry out their plot to derail a passenger train between NYC and Toronto. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

    1. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

      More than likely, those arrested in Canada had allegedly been plotting for over a year but hadn’t yet even reached the bomb building stage.

    2. I have little difficulty in believing that more than one group of radicals can be planning something at the same time without coordinating with each other.

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