6 thoughts on “Public Education”

  1. Can’t seem to log on over there, but someone should call “bpuharic” on his/her Democrat talking points / lies. “… depression caused by conservative economics in 2007.” When we fail to call them on their lies, we let them frame the argument.

  2. Back when I was in Engineering school at UT Austin, I got to know several women who were in the education school. I was appalled at the lack of rigor in their curriculum and just how easy it was to do the required work. The intelligence level of most in there was also low.

    It was an eye opener when I compared them to the mostly old women I had as teachers in the Garden City TX school system. Those formidable old ladies all had degrees in English, History, or Math and got certified by being hired as a teacher. Looking back at the old yearbooks, it was not until the mid 1960’s that the teachers with Education degrees atarted showing up.

    1. I saw a comment last week on another forum (can’t remember which) that said in effect, “You can understand the problem with public education if you’ve slept with an education major.”

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