The IRS Targeting Of Conservative Groups

Well, at least they’re consistent:

“In plain English, the IRS is still targeting Tea Party cases.”

…Camp, the Michigan Republican, told Secrets, “It is outrageous that IRS management continues to target Tea Party cases without any justification. The harassment, abuse and delays these Americans have faced over the last few years has been unwarranted, unprovoked and, at times, possibly illegal. The fact that the IRS still continues to treat the Tea Party differently and subject them to additional targeting is outrageous and it must stop immediately.”

Hey, give them a break. I mean, it’s not like there isn’t another election coming up in fifteen months.

[Update a few minutes later]

Yes, the IRS caressed liberal groups and harassed conservative ones, despite the ongoing lies from some commenters:

The dogs that have not barked are the liberal groups that may have waited endlessly for IRS rulings or been asked about their contributors, reading material or prayer habits. If, say, Occupy Palm Beach, Americans for Higher Taxes, or Spend It All – NOW! had shared their IRS horror stories, this would be no scandal.

So, where are the IRS’ liberal victims? Are they staying mum while this controversy poaches Team Obama in increasingly hot water? Or — could it be? — maybe the IRS has no leftist victims, since it barely targeted and never persecuted such groups.

Couple this information with revelations that confidential IRS records illegally got leaked to the Federal Election Commission and apparently to opponents of the National Organization for Marriage and 2010 senatorial nominee Christine O’Donnell, R-Del. A frightful portrait emerges of a thoroughly politicized federal agency that repeatedly abuses its police powers to the benefit of Barack Obama and his comrades on the left and the detriment of their rivals on the right.

And here’s the best news. The public isn’t buying the BS that these are “phony scandals”:

78 percent of voters think the questions over the administration’s handling of the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi should be taken seriously. Just 17 percent call it a phony scandal.

The attack, on the anniversary of September 11, killed four Americans — including the U.S. ambassador.

Meanwhile, 69 percent of voters say the National Security Agency’s electronic surveillance of everyday Americans is serious, while 26 percent call that a fake scandal.

By a margin of 59-31 percent, voters are also more likely to view the seizure of reporters’ phone records by the Justice Department as serious rather than phony.

And while the White House sees a Congressional investigation of the IRS targeting of conservative groups as a “distraction,” 59 percent of voters take it seriously. Some 33 percent agree with the administration that it’s fake.

And those are just “voters,” not likely voters. I suspect the numbers are worse for the administration among the latter. And as long as the stonewalling continues, it will just get worse for them, but ultimately better for the country.

One thought on “The IRS Targeting Of Conservative Groups”

  1. Don’t we know their mode of operations? I would think that some Tea Party orgs could name themselves “Working Class Parents for Change” or some such BS. Write the mission statement in a way that you aren’t lying but could go either way. “We wish to educate the oppressed about social justice of the political elite 1%” Then go about educating the people about how the political elite wants to use taxes as a tool of oppress. Basically, Co-opt their language.

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