Matt Damon Movies

The five most destructive ideas in them. I liked this review of Elysium in comments:

Spoiler alert:

The liberals win and create a future society that makes the entire Earth into Detroit. Obamacare is in full effect and as a result — shock — there is a shortage of doctors, medicine and advanced medical equipment.

The conservatives leave the Earth (kinda aka Atlas Shrugged) and build this magnificent Space Station with all the trappings of a productive and prosperous people — replete with advanced medical technology.

Since they cannot build and create a similarly advanced and prosperous society, the liberals decide that they will take what they did not earn and ultimately (through violence and magic of course) heal everyone in the world — especially the babies.

I’ll wait until it’s on free television. I don’t really like to put any money in the hypocritical moron’s pocket.

15 thoughts on “Matt Damon Movies”

  1. I got in a long debate with some liberals over the stupidity of the movie’s premise. Do they really think rich people hoard all the flu shots and liver transplants or something? The only affect the top one percent has on health care is that they’re overrepresented as doctors, not patients, and when they are patients, overbilling them helps subsidize the costs for everyone else.

    The US doesn’t have a first-class health care system because we stole all the good cancer drugs from Ethiopia.

      1. Do we want to know what Rand will make him do for those two hours? Maybe just clean out the spam folder…

  2. there is a shortage of doctors, medicine and advanced medical equipment.

    The obvious solution is wage and price controls….. Aw, come on! Just because it never ever worked here on Earth doesn’t mean it won’t work in the vacuum of space.

  3. Guess I will have to watch the movie to see why these awesome technologies are only available in space.

    Space advocates have been looking for ways to close the business case in terms of commerce between Earth and off-world. So, it should be interesting to learn why commerce cant take place even when the product is the cure for cancer. It must be some fierce technological barrier that prevents the transfer of knowledge.

    Oh wait, you say it’s greed and hate and not related to technological barriers?

  4. I plan to see the movie. Not much original Sci-Fi going on worth seeing and I have had enough of the Marvel sequelitis. What Rand said is more or less what can be seen in the trailer. I certainly hope they elaborate some more on it otherwise the scenario makes little sense. Too many things do not add up. But this movie scenario is not highly original. It is reminiscent of the Spacer Wars from Asimov’s Foundation.
    Guess who wins in the end there as well?

    1. I saw it in IMAX just to see how Hollywood would use CGI to update the eye candy that Dr. O’Neill used in the 1970’s to sell his cities under glass. It wasn’t bad and stuck pretty close to the visuals of the space habitats that you see the “High Frontier”.

      As for the plot, really, its Hollywood, its just an excuse to show a bunch of explosions, chases and general mayhem as with most action movies, so the plot is simple. Point gun, fire, big explosion!

      1. There are only a few minutes of seeing the O’Neill Habitat’s surface. Most of your action takes place in a LA slum that looks much like the slum in District 9.

    1. I wonder what would be the “social comment” if someone did a movie out of The Moon’s a Harsh Mistress.

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