10 thoughts on “Miriam Carey And The Media”

  1. I guess when the point of a shutdown is to cause excessive pain on the American people, then it is ok for the police to shot an unarmed black motorist after a car chase? I’m not saying she didn’t use deadly force (she did, and deadly force in return was warranted), but I have noticed that the usual suspects don’t seem bothered this time.

    Instead, we have Dick Durbin: “The men and women in the Capitol Police stepped up to defend this Capitol building and all those who work here and visit here,” No dick, the poor women never posed a threat to the capitol building. The gunshots you heard where your own capitol police executing the mentally ill.

  2. What is sad is that folks like Rand and this blogger are using this tragedy to advance their viewpoints instead of recognizing it for what it is, a sad, tragic series of events.

    1. Yep, a tragic event with nothing political about it, so it’s a bit pathetic to use it as an excuse to bag your political opponents.

  3. Yep, a tragic event with nothing political about it, so it’s a bit pathetic to use it as an excuse to bag your political opponents.

    I’m simply pointing out that my “political opponents” in the media do this ALL THE TIME. There was nothing “political” about the Giffords shooting, or the Navy Yard shooting, or Newtown, or Aurora, but the media ghouls jumped all over them to serve up their narrative.

    1. LeLand,

      Which is just as wrong. But just because you think someone else will wallow in the mud doesn’t mean you have to do so.

      1. Ah, but some times you have to. That was the point of “MAD”, which the Democrats were quite ok with, yes? If you ignore the cheating, it will get worse. Have a reputation for destroying a cheater, and amazingly, it turns out to not be a problem…….

  4. So when will the cops be brought up on murder charges?

    After all, if George Zimmerman was guilty of murder for shooting an unarmed black man (despite the man being on top of him and beating the crap out of him), aren’t the cops guilty of murder for shooting an unarmed black woman?

    Chris, care to weigh in on this?

    (For the record, if the woman was using deadly force against them, as Rand stated in his post, then the cops were justified in using deadly force against her. But I thought the same of Zimmerman.)

    1. Indeed. The act of pointing out mendacity and hypocrisy can be done without actually dipping one’s finger into either.

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