4 thoughts on “Why We Need A Second Amendment”

  1. Taken alone, this comment doesn’t mean much but in the context of what other Democrats, activists, and journolists have been saying their is a pattern emerging. The put them up against the wall mentality is what we saw with OWS and their push for revolution and it is the same ideology that supports abuses at the IRS, NPS, EPA and other government agencies.

    It isn’t surprising that a political party who’s heros are foreigners who led bloody socialist revolutions, like Casteo and Che, then ruled in the same manner, because the revolution never ends, would think acting this way in America is something to aspire to.

    1. Such a fundamental cluelessness should disqualify such an idiot from holding office.

      I’ve said that bulldozers represent a solution in Israel and mars… add D.C.

  2. Mark Shuttleworth, the Ubuntu Guy, recently hit out at his critics, calling them dangerous extremists, and likening them to the Tea Party. People have agreed and disagreed – the argument itself is irrelevant here – but I’ve yet to see anyone, anyone at all, object to the simile. His opponents object as much to being called Tea Partiers as they do to his criticisms.

    Mainstream opinion all round the world has been successfully coached to believe that classical liberalism and the values on which your Republic was founded are “extreme”. As Orwell put it (in perhaps my favourite quote of his), “True propaganda does not seek to persuade; rather, it seeks to create a climate of thought in which dissent is seen as something akin to madness”. Well, they’ve done that. I wonder if there’s any hope left now.

  3. The 2nd amendment had a clear purpose and it wasn’t for putting supper on the table. Saying this makes me a wacko extremist… truth be damned.

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