9 thoughts on “Coal Versus Eco-Bullies”

      1. So lets see, Peabody coal, is a $7 Billion dollar per year enterprise, while
        the NRDC runs on $100 million on donations.

        So if I get you right the Davids are beating the Goliaths?

        You can name call all you want, the facts still remain.

        1. The amount of financial resources are completely irrelevant to the point of the article, which you would know if you had a) actually read it, and/or b) weren’t an idiot.

        2. Peabody is the largest private coal company in the world, well over a hundred years old, and the coal it mines provides ten percent of US electricity.
          and yet its total equity is only about five and a half billion dollars, about half the worth of Twitter.

          1. No, the market thinks they’re just not very big (Peabody, the largest private coal company in the US, has only 8% as many employees as Amazon, and Amazon is a website). They don’t need to be very big because coal is a labor and capital efficient way to generate electricity, which is why coal-fired electricity is so cheap.

            If Peabody was scaled up to the size of someplace like South Bend Indiana or Kenosha Wisconsin, it would provide all the power for the entire US.

        3. You can name call all you want, the facts still remain.

          Yep, the fact is you are a moron, Lying-Guy. No matter how much Peabody Coal earns, their job is to manufacturer coal to provide cheap power, which makes electricity and heat affordable for the poor. NRDC has only one job, prevent Peabody from selling their coal at the cheapest prices. NRDC spends its entire money on just one thing. When Peabody Coal spends that equal amount just to counter NRDC’s dogma, it raises the price of coal, which hurts consumers particularly the poor. Thus, NRDC gets what they want, Peabody Coal loses revenue, and the poor are screwed over by the rich hipsters.

    1. “Multi-Billion dollar coal companies vs a bunch of multi-Billion dollar hippies.”


      “Who is the bully?”

      The people who use violence for petty political causes grounded in superstitious animism and nature worship.

      Back when the pipeline was first being built in Alaska, some econut transplant from California tried to assassinate his entire village and bomb the pipeline. There are too many stories like this to mention. Violence from the left and especially the militant environmental wing of the Democrat party has been all too common. Remember the Discovery building shooter or Charles Manson?

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