2 thoughts on “Al Qaeda”

  1. When Obama said last year that al Qaeda was on the run, what he meant by “on the run” was the opposite of “holed up” or hunkered down, hiding in a cave. Yeah. That’s it.

  2. Everyone say it at the same time, “Smart Diplomacy.”

    “Smart diplomacy”, whatever that even means, might actually work but first the people in charge have to view militant Islamists rampaging around the world blowing people up, cutting off heads, throwing acid in girl’s faces for going to school, committing genocide against religious populations, sticking knifes in children and stuffing them in refrigerators, and other atrocities as something bad that must be countered.

    Obama might not believe in a global war on terror but that doesn’t mean AQ and its affiliates don’t believe they are waging a global war in the name of their religious ideology. Obama can take his ball and go home but that wont stop AQ from using their own ball and beaning us in the head.

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