Unprecedented Non-Warming

A new global temperature index:

What we see is that the halt in warming is without precedent in the recent warming period. As such, something *is* amiss with predictions of not only continued, but *accelerated* warming. The something that is amiss appears to be that:

  1. Sensitivity has been very significantly over estimated and
  2. Natural climate variability, whatever the cause, has been under estimated.

The former undermines the claim of drastic future warming, the latter undermines the claim that recent warming was uniquely attributable to anthropogenic forcing.

Let’s be absolutely clear: that represents a complete vindication of the skeptical position and a refutation of the alarmed position.

Anyone who disagrees is obviously a denier.

5 thoughts on “Unprecedented Non-Warming”

  1. Speaking of global warming idiocy, this WUWT post is hilarious. Anthony gave a weather forecast for the trapped Russian ship that said they’d just have to wait a few more days and the weather would free them. So the Russians waited and the SpirtOfMawson nitwits evacuated by helicopter. Now the Russian ship is in New Zealand and the SpiritOfMawson folks are still stuck on a ship off the coast of Antarctica as it continues with its interrupted resupply mission.

    The irony.

    1. “Depart, I say, and let us have done with you!”

      Dunno, maybe the Russian crew were happy to see them go?

    2. They had to evacuate because the exceptional fortitude of Turneys hand picked crack team of climate scientists, rivals (but better than) of histories most intrepid explorers, would not permit waiting a week. Don’t forget they didn’t bring any dogs to eat, sorry Obama, they only had an entire kitchen crew cooking meals for them. They also had to return their Netflix videos.

    3. Thank you for the link to that awesome article. Unfortunately, my schadenfreude is all tapped out so all I can do is smile.

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