11 thoughts on “I Am Not A Harry Potter Fan”

  1. I liked this comment: “Mary Matalin married James Carville, and they say they are still happy together. Go figure.” I never have been able to figure out how they manage that without strangling each other.

    1. The best thing about Matalin-Carville is that they aren’t making two other innocent people miserable.

  2. I haven’t read the books or seen the movies, myself.

    But the idea that it was a “mistake” to not give people the “right” romantic pairing is odd.

    I mean, people get with “the wrong person” all the time in reality.

    One could argue cogently that a less-than-perfect match – or an outright mismatch – is just realism.

    1. It makes loads of sense within the story for the two couples–Harry and Ginny, Hermione and Ron–to have married shortly after high school. The novel closed with an epilogue–19 years after the battle of Hogwarts, Harry&Ginny, Ron&Hermione, Malfoy&X (I don’t remember) are all seeing their kids off to Hogwarts. So they got married, which isn’t too surprising, and both marriages seemed to have lasted, which is.

      On the other hand, maybe wizard marriage vows are binding for life.

  3. Well, the heart wants what it wants. It always struck me as false for the one girl and the lead to be romantic, so I appreciated her being with Ron instead. Harry and Ginny was weak, but to suggest that an intelligent woman wouldn’t be with a brave, capable person because he’s not exactly like her, and in particular wasn’t “intellectual”, seems more like the dreams of the attractiveness of being a journalist, by a journalist.

  4. There was a recruitment fair for the various student organization, and a woman student representing one of these student clubs seeking members was dressed in a long black robe.

    I asked if she was portraying Portia from The Merchant of Venice. No, her costume was Harry Potter themed. Oh well, at least I guessed right on an English literature-inspired theme . . .

  5. “Rowling also says that Ron and Hermione would have needed “relationship counseling.”

    The idea that Hermione would need counseling is insulting to Hermione character.
    As she suppose to be the brightest witch.

    Ron and his family were gryffindor- Harry and Hermione wanted to be gryffindor-
    they were in gryffindor house because they chose it.
    For Ron it was due to tradition or habit- it was expected of him.
    The pure blood crowd hated the Wesley blood traitors- more than mud bloods or Potter.

    And what Hermione was *obsessed with* was house elf rights.
    Plus Hermione a crush on Gilderoy Lockhart. And anyone is smarter than Lockhart,.

    Anyhow, I don’t think Rowling can be vaguely serious- she is just stirring the pot or
    she is drunk and/or drugs. If you wanted to make it surprising, you could have Hermione
    marry the Charms teacher.

  6. I think Rowling is trolling. She wanted to make Dumbledore gay, but didn’t have the courage to do that because it would kill book sales.

    This way she can grab some attention with little risk.

    1. And, she outed him by having him casually mention that he enjoyed knitting.

      Yeah, great way to squash those stereotypes, and get kids thinking of gays as just average folk, JK.

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