President Romney’s Lawlessness

The Democrats and the media bash him for it:

Schumer’s colleague, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, described the Romney administration’s behavior as “the nuclear option.” “This abuse of executive discretion is beyond the pale,” Reid fumed. “I’m a lawyer, I know.” (For more information on the American system of government please take a look at Ezra Klein’s comprehensive explanatory primer, “Our Constitution in Exile: Why Everything President Romney Does Is Illegal,” over at VoxProg. Alternatively, consult Greg Sargent’s excellent Washington Post column, “Article I: A Love Story,” published January 20th, 2013.)

Others went further. “It’s. The. Law,” animated Democratic spokesman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz told reporters at a hastily assembled press conference in Miami, barking out each monosyllable and pounding her fist on her desk. “The terrorist, anarchist, hostage-taking neo-confederates in the Republican Party tried for years to delay this in the legislature and now, simply because they have a Senate they dislike, they are trying to do so with the executive branch. It’s a disgrace to the memory of our Founding Persons and it will not stand.”

Wasserman-Shultz’s claim of impropriety is a strong one, and it echoes Democratic complaints from last June, when President Romney delayed the income tax by two years to allow compliance deadlines to be met and to make sure that he was standing up for the middle class. George Washington University law professor and frequent critic of executive power, Jonathan Turley, broke through tears to tell National Review Online that the development was “merely the latest in an endless series of corruptions, and another devastating step on the road to monarchy.” “D’you know what?” Turley added, his voice cracking. “I’m thinking of moving to Cyprus.”

Despite the criticism, Republican strategists remained sanguine. “What you’re seeing here is the Democratic Party reaping the whirlwind,” a GOP operative explained on condition of anonymity. “This is the train that the last guy set in motion — and he was cheered on by politicians and journalists alike. Can they really complain now our guy has the reins? I think not.”

Those damned Republicans, who don’t give a damn about the law or the Constitution.

12 thoughts on “President Romney’s Lawlessness”

  1. if the House Republicans think this is a “High Crime and Misdemeanor”, well
    they should vote out a bill of impeachment and argue the case in the senate

    1. If the Democrats think what Obama is doing is acceptable, they won’t whine when the next Republican president refuses to execute and enforce ACA in such a way that the law is null and void and unenforceable for the next Democratic president.

    2. Judging by how the Senate Democrats have acted in coordination with Obama and encourage his use of government agencies to attack to opposition, I am sure they will vote to impeach Obama. Maybe the DOJ will do something? First, they would have to stop investigating political dissidents and tapping reporters phones to free up some time in their schedule.

  2. It’s good to see, Comrade dn-guy, that you don’t think this is a “high crime and misdemeanor.” Otherwise what would we do when one of our Comrade Democrat’s does it?

    1. It is the obligation of the House GOP to spell out the charges and make the case.

      It’s not my job.

      If you think it’s a “High Crime and Misdemeanor”, get your congressman to introduce a
      bill of impeachment.

      1. Pretty good idea for you not to go on record stating what you think a high crime or misdemeanor is considering there is a high chance it will be revealed that Obama has or will meet that bar.

        Also, we all know that you wont hold Obama to the standard you set and immediately make excuses for his actions.

          1. But refusing to state what you think would qualify as a crime is your idea. Why have standards for you fellow Democrats, eh? Standards are what Democrats have for other people after all.

      2. I don’t think that’s necessary. It seems that Michelle will kill him in the library with a candlestick for bonking Beyonce.

  3. Uh, wasn’t Romney going to just suspend the entire ACA via executive order? If so, this article seems rather disingenuous.

    1. Copying the puppy blender: They said that if I voted for Romney the President would suspend the ACA via executive order, and they were right.

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