9 thoughts on “Universal Pre-K”

  1. I was thinking it was a chance to indoctrinate children starting earlier. But that doesn’t preclude being a sop to the union doing the indoctrination.

  2. It’s also a subsidy for parents of small children. When I had 2 kids in daycare, I might just as well have given my paycheck to the daycare every month. We could eat because my wife worked also. Government-paid full-day pre-K and K adds up to an awful lot of money effectively transferred to working parents of small children.

    Hm… Put that together with abortion, and it’s almost as if people on the left don’t really want kids unless they can have them without responsibility afterwards. Nah, that’s just crazy-talk.

    1. The left’s goal is to destroy the family and make everyone dependent on the Glorious People’s State. So, obviously, they think women should just have kids and immediately dump them off at the nearest Glorious People’s Indoctrination Centre where they’ll be raised as New Soviet Men (whether they’re boys or girls).

    2. why didn’t one of you quit your job?

      I know a nice couple, both working professionals, 2 kids, basically after daycare she makes $60/week.

      She’s seriously debating quitting to stay home with the kids.

  3. I think it’s primarily a way to “be seen to be doing something” with Other People’s Money that buys Suburban White Mom votes.

  4. It’s not just a sop to the teacher’s unions (though it is that).

    Another purpose it to LOOK like they’re doing something useful. It doesn’t matter if it does any good or not, that’s irrelevant.

    George Orwell was an optimist.

  5. Reason One should be that pre-K is yet another government intrusion that insulates children from their parents (mainly Mom, unless Dad is one of those Obamanomics has made near-permanently unemployable).

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