The Rushdie Fatwa

It’s been a quarter of a century:

Most analyses of the Rushdie Rules focus exclusively on the growth of Islamism. But two other factors are even more important: Multiculturalism as practiced undercuts the will to sustain Western civilization against Islamist depredations while the Left’s making common political cause with Islamists gives the latter an entrée. In other words, the core of the problem lies not in Islam but in the West.

Yes, and there is a deep rot in our universities, as demonstrated by groups like the American Studies Association.

7 thoughts on “The Rushdie Fatwa”

  1. muslims need to realize that if your God is so weak, that one insult knocks God
    from a chair, well, maybe it’s their God that has the problem.

    however a bunch of crazy arabs don’t speak for all of islam just as
    Fred Phelps doesn’t speak for all christians.

    1. Um, the Muslim situation is like having a Fred Phelps with 60 to 70% Christian support. It’s like being trapped in the fifteen or sixteen hundreds. But on the bright side, with gay marriage rulings putting names and addresses in databases, any Muslim can do a simple public record search to find the home address of every gay couple who must be murdered to fulfill Allah’s commandment. If nothing else, American government has become extremely convenient and user friendly for those that want to follow their multi-cultural birthrights.

    2. At least the Phelpsians are peaceful. It seems that most of the ideological violence in this country stems from the left – and it’s still a far cry from that of Islamic supremacists.

        1. Interesting that Rudolph failed to gain the name recognition of Tim McVeigh or fellow ADX resident Ted Kaczynski. Or Richard Jewell, for that matter (who is well-remembered by conservatives).

          What exactly makes Rudolph right wing? He opposes abortion – so does Nat Hentoff. Is it right wing to believe the physical evidence that life has already begun by the time abortion is detectable? He thinks homosexuality is a perversion – so do a lot of folks who don’t identify with cultural conservatives. I know people who are generally okay with much of the permissiveness preached by the Sexual Revolution, but who regard homosexuality as messed up in the head.

      1. And Rudolph isn’t a Phelpsian, he’s a stuggling Catholic who is an adherent to Nietzsche. His terrorist attacks didn’t cause as much damage as those of Obama’s close friend and coworker, Bill Ayers, whose book “Fugitive Days” will probably always outsell Rudolph’s book “Between the Lines of Drift: The Memoirs of a Militant.”

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