Why Writers Are The Worst Procrastinators

An interesting (and dismaying) excerpt from Megan McArdle’s new book:

About six years ago, commentators started noticing a strange pattern of behavior among the young millennials who were pouring out of college. Eventually, the writer Ron Alsop would dub them the Trophy Kids. Despite the sound of it, this has nothing to do with “trophy wives.” Rather, it has to do with the way these kids were raised. This new generation was brought up to believe that there should be no winners and no losers, no scrubs or MVPs. Everyone, no matter how ineptly they perform, gets a trophy.

As these kids have moved into the workforce, managers complain that new graduates expect the workplace to replicate the cosy, well-structured environment of school. They demand concrete, well-described tasks and constant feedback, as if they were still trying to figure out what was going to be on the exam. “It’s very hard to give them negative feedback without crushing their egos,” one employer told Bruce Tulgan, the author of Not Everyone Gets a Trophy. “They walk in thinking they know more than they know.”

When I started asking around about this phenomenon, I was a bit skeptical. After all, us old geezers have been grousing about those young whippersnappers for centuries. But whenever I brought the subject up, I got a torrent of complaints, including from people who have been managing new hires for decades. They were able to compare them with previous classes, not just with some mental image of how great we all were at their age. And they insisted that something really has changed—something that’s not limited to the super-coddled children of the elite.

“I’ll hire someone who’s twenty-seven, and he’s fine,” says Todd, who manages a car rental operation in the Midwest. “But if I hire someone who’s twenty-three or twenty-four, they need everything spelled out for them, they want me to hover over their shoulder. It’s like somewhere in those three or four years, someone flipped a switch.” They are probably harder working and more conscientious than my generation. But many seem intensely uncomfortable with the comparatively unstructured world of work. No wonder so many elite students go into finance and consulting—jobs that surround them with other elite grads, with well-structured reviews and advancement.

Today’s new graduates may be better credentialed than previous generations, and are often very hardworking, but only when given very explicit direction. And they seem to demand constant praise. Is it any wonder, with so many adults hovering so closely over every aspect of their lives? Frantic parents of a certain socioeconomic level now give their kids the kind of intensive early grooming that used to be reserved for princelings or little Dalai Lamas.

All this “help” can be actively harmful. These days, I’m told, private schools in New York are (quietly, tactfully) trying to combat a minor epidemic of expensive tutors who do the kids’ work for them, something that would have been nearly unthinkable when I went through the system 20 years ago. Our parents were in league with the teachers, not us. But these days, fewer seem willing to risk letting young Silas or Gertrude fail out of the Ivy League.

The combination of the self-esteem movement and the demand for credentials has been a disaster.

8 thoughts on “Why Writers Are The Worst Procrastinators”

  1. “I’ll hire someone who’s twenty-seven, and he’s fine,” says Todd, who manages a car rental operation in the Midwest. “But if I hire someone who’s twenty-three or twenty-four, they need everything spelled out for them, they want me to hover over their shoulder. It’s like somewhere in those three or four years, someone flipped a switch.”

    Yea, someone flipped the switch of real life.

    1. Hope and chance?

      And off topic, Steve McIntyre did a lengthy analysis of Mann’s pleading that various investigations exonerated him.


      His lying to the court, and that might leave a mark.

    2. Decades ago, I noticed a big change in maturity levels that commonly took place between ages 18 and 21 or 22. That was the age when young people moved away from home and took charge of their lives. Today, not so much. Back then, it was rare and rather embarrassing to be living with your parents into your twenties unless there was a very good reason such as taking care of special medical needs. Today, it’s a lifestyle and with Obamacare, you can stay on your parents medical insurance until you’re 26. College itself is an exercise in prolonged adolescence. Why would anyone be surprised that this carries over into the workplace? We’ve all read the stories of young people bringing parents to job interviews. Seriously?

  2. This seems to connect also to the zone of “Total Protection For The Children.”

    Leading to adult age humans that lack a swath of knowledge that would be safer to acquire -with- someone now out ‘on their own’.

  3. Al of a piece……

    Julie, paternalistic government, screaming demands for equal outcomes in unequal situations……

  4. After reading Mike Rowe’s defense of his voice-over for WalMart (which he should never had needed to defend), I watched Nick Gillespe’s Reason.tv interview with him, as well, from back in December. It touched not just on the high cost of college, but also the entitlement and “credentialing” epidemics in our society. A “must-watch” for anyone who hasn’t already seen it, IMHO.

    Mike Rowe Reason.tv Interview

    Every time I watch Mike Rowe speak about work ethics or anything else related to labor in America, the more impressed I am with him. It’s a shame he’s too smart and plain spoken to run for office.

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