13 thoughts on “The Thigh Gap”

  1. Women who work to work to imitate a fashion magazine ideal are self identifying as drones. Which is good if you’re a male looking for a life mate as it boosts signal (women with character) over the noise (drones).

  2. Well, in downhill Olympic events such as luge, the potential energy is mass and the resistance is aerodynamic drag, so the ideal body shape for a competitor would be similar to a marine mammal like a seal or dolphin.

  3. It’s a sad, sad world when an Olympic athlete is considered less than ideally fit.

    I have to admit, I was one of the six people mentioned as being unaware of “thigh gap”. I’d never heard the term before . Protruding collarbones too? I guess the malnourished, starving-to-death look is in. What’s next… bubonic plague as a fashion trend?

    I didn’t see any mention in the article regarding gay men being involved in this particular fashion and health debacle, so I’m curious as to the origin, if any, of that claim? I’m puzzled over this because I’d have assumed that gay men, of all people, would have far less interest in, and impact on, female fashion than any other group in existence.

      1. Interesting.. thanks for the info, Rand. I never knew that gay men were involved in the female fashion industry. The male side I could understand, but female? That’s mind boggling.

        Of course, I’m one of those rare demented lunatics who expect the world to mostly make sense, so of course I get stuff like this wrong. 🙂

    1. I’m #2 of 6. I wonder if the other 4 are also regular readers of this blog?

      In any case, I’ve always appreciated the form of dancers, figure skaters, and gymnasts over the figures of a significant number of waifish Hollywood stereotypes. I’m pretty sure Bo Derek didn’t have a gap in her scenes in “10”, but I’m not brave enough to risk a comprehensive search while at the office.

  4. A woman can be in excellent shape and in good health and still have a gap. Some woman are even naturally skinny and there isn’t anything wrong with it. What women, and men, should realize is that no matter how you look, there is someone out there who finds you attractive.

  5. I think women with thigh gaps look great, and you can still have strong legs that don’t touch. In my opinion many of the women in the olympics looks kind of manly and as one commenter noted they probably train specifically that way for their sport.

    There’s nothing wrong with a thigh gap – many women have it naturally and you can get one safely without an eating disorder. According to this book (http://www.thighgaphack.com) its just about losing stubborn fat from the thighs, fluid/water retention, or muscles.

    So you get lean (which a lot of bodybuilders do safely), stop taking in lots of sodium, and stop working out with 1,000 pound weights on your legs. Voila! thigh gap

  6. Less use of the word “gay” in this context, please. Pejorative terms are not necessary; the accurate description “homosexual” will do fine.

    1. I keep forgetting that GLAAD and other GLBT groups changed their acronyms to HLAAD and HLBT. Thanks for the reminder…

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