22 thoughts on “A New Generation Of Republicans”

  1. Not so many years it would have been crazy talk to suggest that the federal government would mandate the quantity and what type of food people eat.

  2. Maybe these kids could all go to private schools and eat transfats, high salt, and
    HFCS all day long.

    1. My gosh, lefties are dumb.

      Because those are the only two differences. You either are in the government school eating healthy based on “obviously pure motives” or else a private school and obese.

      You must be a product of a government education, because you seriously do not know how dumb that actually is.

      Here, enlighten yourself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_dilemma

      The point is that people can decide for themselves what to eat without central government planning mandating food choices.

      The reason people keep making bad choices is because they aren’t allowed to suffer the free choice personal consequences of those choices. The government keeps bailing people out, or else becoming a tyrant based on “good intentions” to prevent someone from bearing the natural consequences of bad free choices. And just to be clear, I’m not talking about punishment for crimes. I’m talking about not letting someone bear the personal consequences for smoking or eating badly or whatever.

      I went to private school from middle school through college. The food was not unhealthy. It didn’t match the government’s current bullshit food mandates, but that assumes the current food mandates are healthy to begin with, rather than some lefty dumbass bureaucrat showing the government schools who is boss and “doing it for your own good”. The vast majority of the people in the school were not fat, and there were no government mandates needed to make it so.

      As CS Lewis said: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

      1. Last I checked, nothing prohibits kids from packing a lunch and taking it to school.
        If the kids don’t like the cafeteria food, their parents can pack PBJ sandwiches and
        a cup of pudding, and a couple strips of bacon.

        I don’t know why Rand isn’t encouraging parents to take responsibility for their kids.

          1. First, as wodun showed, even when kids bring their own lunches, the school takes it away “for their own good”. And there used to be a time when states and schools had their own control over their own lunchrooms, and kids were not fat as they are today.

            So, USDA absolute control is not needed because it didn’t used to be this way back when there was hardly USDA involvement at all.

            The problem all stems from schools being federalized, instead of being controlled at the community level as it used to be. So, yes, the answer is to abolish at the very least federal involvement in schooling. Federal involvement has only made things worse since it started in the 50’s.

            Now it is just a bunch of brainless lefty administrators and teachers who have no thoughts of their own. “We must follow policy”, no thought whatsoever can be exercised at the local level, because lefties outsource their brains to the higher collective.

            Case in point: http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2014/02/28/teen-teachers-made-me-stand-outside-in-wet-bathing-suit-barefoot/

            A fire alarm goes off in the school and everyone has to evacuate, with this girl in her wet swimming suit, and the temperature outside is below 0. Here’s the best part:

            “A teacher eventually gave Hagen-Tietz a jacket, and one of her friends gave her a sweatshirt to wrap around her feet. But due to school policy, she wasn’t allowed to sit in a faculty-member’s car…Eventually, a teacher did get permission to allow Hagen-Tietz and her classmate to sit inside her car. But by that time Hagen-Tietz had already stood barefoot and wet for 10 minutes in some of the coldest conditions of the year.”

            What brainless f*cks we have working in the government schools. Oh no, I can’t let someone sit in my car while she’s freezing outside because of “policy”. You actually decided you needed to “ask permission”, while she’s freezing in front of you?

            Good grief you stupid bonehead of a teacher, put her in the car and ask forgiveness later. Any random moron on the street could have figured that out.

            Oh yeah, if that wasn’t enough, from the story again:

            “In a statement, St. Paul Public School officials said they continue to work with the St. Paul Fire Marshal to regularly review these procedures, including cold weather modifications, and they will make any changes based on their recommendations.”

            Someone needs a swift kick in the face. You actually have to ask the fire marshal on how to handle a freezing child?

            But I’m sure dn-guy will say that the girl was freezing for her own good, after all it was policy. She should have gone to private school if she didn’t want to freeze.

          2. “The state regulation reads:

            “Sites must provide breakfast and/or snacks and lunch meeting USDA requirements during the regular school day. The partial/full cost of meals may be charged when families do not qualify for free/reduced price meals.

            When children bring their own food for meals and snacks to the center, if the food does not meet the specified nutritional requirements, the center must provide additional food necessary to meet those requirements.

            Still, Kozlowski said, the parents shouldn’t have been charged.

          3. I wonder how many of the “unhealthy lunch” programs address existing (or non-existent) breakfasts and dinners for students. Maybe Little Jackie has a smaller lunch than Little Jimmy because Jackie had pancakes and eggs for breakfast and has a large dinner planned, so she doesn’t need as much food for lunch. Maybe Little Jimmy needs more than the school is able to provide because his single-father parent barely has enough time to sleep between his two jobs, let alone make breakfast for Jimmy.

            And the “we’ll replace or supplement your meal because it’s not healthy enough” doesn’t even address the other nanny-state interference in home-brought lunches: allergens.

            The very notion of packing a PBJ sandwich violates policy at a number of schools nowadays in which peanuts (as well as other nuts, dairy, glutens, etc) are completely forbidden from school property out of a perceived need to protect the one student in the entire building who has a food allergy.

            This kind of stuff isn’t an argument for private school, it’s an argument for HOME schooling. But if nobody fights these ludicrous policies in the schools, I fear that the slippery slope leads down the hill to regulating home-school lunches, too, and then into the rest of the meals of the day from there.

          4. dn-guy, the fact that ” turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice” doesn’t meet some central authority’s designation of minimum requirements, and yet to anyone with common sense would say it is completely adequate, is the problem.

            The problem is brainless central regulations, brainless central regulators, the fact that those regulations even exist, and on top of that brainless rote followers of those regulations.

            It’s outsourcing your brain and replacing it with binary computer logic handed down from the state:

            if (lunch less_than regulation)
            handle situation brainlessly
            OK I guess, but I’m still brainless here too because I’m stuck in this logic to begin with and can’t think for myself

            The problem, beyond the fact that there is a regulation, is people only apply a wrote “less than” or “not equal to” the regulation in their mind.

            And Democrats and lefties are the ones who call themselves “free thinkers”. Um, no you’re not. You can’t handle a “deviating” lunch and you can’t handle putting a freezing child in a car without permission.

            Again, 50 years ago no one even thought of this stuff. Kids ate what they brought from home, and that was the end of it. No one was starving or fat. If you were starving you went to the local church’s food bank.

            Yes, some things from the old days were better.

          5. Someguy, that boils down to:

            “Yeah, the regulation -reads- nearly reasonably. But you have to think about how it is applied. And … once you do that you’re better off without the regulation in the first place.”

            They don’t have scales, calorimeters, or the first clue about “non-destructive testing”.

            That leads the people enforcing this into judging. And pre-judging. Arbitrarily. Because no one involved is going to inquire about the child’s thyroid condition or metabolic imbalance before just dumping the kid’s lunch. (I have the authority, so I’ll use it.) Which leads to sporadic insanities as well as the ongoing lingering bad taste of having The Man in your face.

            How to fix? Oh! Oversight, expand the regulations, and checks and balances requires some sort of independent analysis or appeal.

            Wait, that’s a lot of work. I need (a) more money, (b) more bodies. And then more training.

            Oversight’s still not working… can’t -cut- the parts that -are- working. Hum. How about -another- layer of oversight. Make it -completely- independent, because that’s a better practice.

            And all of this is to avoid the amazingly difficult phone call or letter to the parents “Hey, your kid’s lunch is inappropriate.”

            No regulations at all required other than the sense that -you’re- (as the teacher) in loco parentis for the kid at that time.

          6. It is one thing to mandate the types of food that a school can serve and another to mandate what types of food parents can serve. I am not really a fan of either and absent the heavy hand of government, it is unlikely that schools would serve nothing but doughnuts and Mt Dew.

        1. I don’t know why Rand isn’t encouraging parents to take responsibility for their kids.

          You don’t know that because you’re an idiot. Why would you stupidly imagine that that’s my job?

          1. “My gosh, lefties are dumb.” Not all lefties, someguy–although if you thought dn-guy’s posts are typical of the Hive, I can see why you might get that impression.

          2. A libertarian would say that parents should take responsibility for the kids lunches.

            A not libertarian, not conservative, not republican would not say that though.

          3. “A libertarian would say that parents should take responsibility for the kids lunches.”

            Didn’t you read that link I posted? You quoted from it…

            Some schools wont let the parents be responsible.

          4. Are you serious? It’s not the parent’s responsibility to feed their own kid?

            Did you really just say that?

            So, according to you it’s perfectly fine if a parent doesn’t feed their kid? After all, you just said it is somebody else’s responsibility.

            Well, I guess we can end all child support payments between divorced parents then.

    2. Just a little heads-up for you pajama-boy – you only think you have a sense of humor.

    3. Good to see you support school vouchers, so parents will be able to choose whether their kid goes to a private school without being forced to pay for both the private school and a state school they don’t want.

      1. I’m okay with school vouchers, tied to the amount of school taxes the parent pays.

        However that also means the charter schools have to meet minimum standards such as
        ADA compliance, IDEA compliance, minimum education standards in Math, English,
        History, Civics the same as the public schools. Open to all students without regard
        to race/religion.

        I’ve always been sympathetic to catholics running their own schools and providing
        good education, and they have historically admitted non-catholic schools. My father was
        educated at a Jesuit school even though he was not a catholic. They viewed it as a
        act of divine justice, to run an open school in an area without public schools.

    4. Both transfats and high-fructose corn syrup were “the healthier choice” back when government pressured people into switching -last- time around.

      This is the switch from “butter” to “margarine”, because butter is evil.
      And then the switch from sucrose (cane sugar) to more fructose (corn syrup) (because fructose is “sweeter”, and you thus need fewer calories of it to achieve the desired sweetness). The entire “New Coke” fiasco was over this issue – and masking the slight change in flavor when “Classic Coke” didn’t go back to the exact same formulation, instead sticking with the (lower calorie) fructose.

      Now we’ve decided “Butter and lard maybe bad, but margarine and vegetable oil are worse.”
      And “Our body responds to sucrose and fructose differently (duh), so even though there’s fewer calories present, the all-natural 100% organic extract of corn is worse than sugar cane.”

      Also worth pointing out is the switch from milk to orange juice in school lunches. If you think about it biochemically, it’s quite dim.

      Additionally, you’re confused if you think private school parents care less about food.

  3. You all forget that a liberal only sees either the plus side of mass childhood starvation due to socialist mandates or else some bizarre capitalist conspiracy. A million school kids have been forced to choose between remaining in the federal school food programs run under Michelle, and eating actual food that contains energy and proteins and stuff that young growing people need.

    But of course any conservative could’ve predicted that Obama’s rise to power would involve mass starvation due to misguided government policies, narcissism, and the elite condescension of leaders who’ve never done anything physically harder than riding a tandem bicycle (wearing safety helmets, of course). To them, it’s obvious that a 300 pound defensive lineman being recruited by Alabama has exactly the same energy requirements as a 90 pound future library science major – because all people are equal.

    We must all eat as average people. We must all become average people. Average people decrease paperwork requirements and simplify enforcement and control, increasing managerial efficiency. Non-average people must be made to conform, by limiting their food intake, their intelligence, and their wealth. We must all conform, because we must.

    Someone tried to tell Michelle O. a joke that started with “There are two types of people.” She ruined the punchline by exclaiming “There are two types? Oh, you mean white and black people of color African-American authentic people.

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