10 thoughts on “No, Rush”

  1. Rand, you are in for a long walk at Ricochet if the first few comments are any indicator. Good luck turning off your sarcasm . As seen on your blog, and other sites you comment or write for, suffering fools isn’t something you appear to enjoy.

  2. That was bad. It was as if you posted an article about humans being omnivores in a vegan journal.

    It might have gone better if you provided more links to the matter and the whole thing was more facts based. The general public just does not follow space that much.

  3. “Rush could in fact perform a great service to the nation and our future in space if he would properly educate himself”.

    Truer words never spoken

    1. Contrary to yourself, in which given the proper education you lack, still would not be capable of performing a great service to this nation or even this blog.

    2. Rush is human and thus fallible.

      However, the man has an audience of tens of millions and has had them for 25 years. To say that he is uneducated is foolish, for if he were, his audience would diminish.

      MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, Time and Newsweek are, on the other hand, on death’s door because they are dispensing horse feces.

      This is the beauty of the free market, which you despise. I suppose we could use the government to force people to listen to flawed news analysis.

      1. To say that he is uneducated is foolish, for if he were, his audience would diminish.

        Audience size is not necessarily correlated with the host’s level of education or knowledge. People listen to Rush because they enjoy listening to him.

      2. “To say that he is uneducated is foolish, for if he were, his audience would diminish.”

        I guess Justin Bieber and Britney Spears are Ph.Ds.

  4. Good article. When conservative are stupid, other conservatives should scream at them. This is too important.

    If liberal climate scientists would have turned on Michael Mann and Peter Gleick and tarred and feathered them, they could have saved themselves an enormous amount of hurt.

  5. It’s not just Rush. I wish I had a nickel for every time I’ve seen somebody say that on the internet.

    It’s one of those things that all right-thinking people just know is true, like “Bush lied about chemical weapons in Iraq.”

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