11 thoughts on “Domesticated Cats”

    1. Yes, just like Democrat morons like you want to train the voters to vote for the same thing, at the cost of the productive.

      Unlike the situation with cats, which is voluntary on the part of their owners, it won’t end well.

      1. All of the domestic and or domesticated animals are at some level wild animals inasmuch as they lack impulse control, and with some unknown provocation, or indeed with a known provocation, can revert to their dangerous wild selfs.

        Why even humans, and yes, especially male humans, can lose their domestication and impulse control and become wild and dangerous. We forget this sometimes, making excuses for pets that become dangerous, integrating female humans into combat units, encouraging female humans to engage in behaviors that push the boundaries of where male humans lose their impulse control and revert to being brutes, and yes as male human persons we retain moral reponsibility for our actions if we revert to being brutes.
        So there is that 22 pound cat that reverted to being a downsized tiger, and with a small child in the house, there probably was some provocation, and now there is this person calling themselves Jackson Galaxy, a cat whisperer, who is going to perform a Mind Meld from Star Trek on the cat and mediate the difficulties between the cat and the family.

        And there is an Army general from the 82 Airborne, one of Orwell’s, was it, rough men willing to do violence on our behalf so we can sleep peacefully in our own beds, who is alleged to having reverted to being a brute, but the situation is probably complicated with regard to, well, everything, but we will never know the facts in this case because of some United States Senators who are pandering to some constituencies, and this man will have his head handed back to him pour encourager les autres.

        And our in-house defenders of Liberal-Left orthodoxy are smart people with time on their hands who will artfully deconstruct my remarks and defend women-in-the-military-integrated-with-the-men and the keeping of a large domestic cat that went wild. But our whole culture has gone stupid, abandoning all that someone who grew up on a farm, as they say, would tell you.

        1. Been watching a lot of documentaries on the wars lately. Have to say I am incredibly impressed by how calm, rational, and methodical our troops are when they engage the enemy. I don’t think women, ours or anyone else’s, are in any danger from the men in situations like this, although bad things do happen sometimes.

          Whether or not women have the physical attributes to participate, it probably depends on the service and the woman in question. The army is probably easier than the marines and the percentage of the female population that could do either is small. But that just means those women that can meet the same requirements as the men are BAMF’s and we should give them the chance to serve if they want.

          Without a doubt, one of these women BAMF’s would have no trouble dealing with a fat cat being a dick, a common feline behavior. I mean, if you have a cat, you know they are going to scratch you, your children, spouse, guest, furniture, other cats, walls, birds, dogs, plants, windows, curtains, pictures, power cords, computer monitors, and the air at some point in any given day. Most women wouldn’t hide in the bathroom like this man(?) did.

          1. You realize that is a movie right?

            I am trying to point out how some women in real life can compete with men in the military. Fictional characters not helping 🙂

  1. Two cats have moved in with me, and I really had no say in the matter. The last one involved a knock at the door any my neighbor saying “Here, have a cat.”

    Everything went swimmingly for the first three hours, and then black kitty encountered orange kitty and things escalated to the brink of all out nuclear war. Obama would’ve backed down and threatened meaningless sanctions on random millionaires, but I knew that the way to stop a war is by asserting dominance.

    Now they both worship me as a living god, and I can bring them inside by scooping both up like firewood and marching in from the yard with an armful of droopy cats whose expression says “We know this looks completely undignified, but trust us, you don’t want to fuck with a guy who knows the secret to opening cans and once beat a rabid raccoon over the head until it became a floating pond ornament.” I think this is black kitty every now and then takes a dump next to my pillow, as a sacred offering and show of respect.

    1. My wife is allergic to cats and as a result, doesn’t like them. Cats know who doesn’t like them and will deliberately go to her. I call her the Cat Magnet. I think cats do this to deliberately piss her off. They’re succeeding.

  2. They once roamed wild and free, but then the pharoah offered them free health care . . . and the rest is sad history . . .

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