5 thoughts on “There Is College”

  1. How many employers hire people without college degrees for good jobs?

    Take any job that pays more then $50K, how many don’t require a college degree?

    1. How many employers hire people without college degrees for good jobs?

      I don’t know, but as is generally the case with you, the question is utterly irrelevant to this post.

      1. What is a worthless degree or a worthwhile degree may be a matter of timing more then value.

        Petro-Chemical Engineers were not getting hired in 84 and later in 98.

        IT/Web people were in hot demand in 98 and were barristas in 2001.

        Finance types have been in surplus the last few years.

        So are you going to denounce someone who suffers from bad timing in their choice of degree?

        I suppose you could call all these schools Acedemic Frauds, though…

  2. Rand, I am going to point you to an earlier post of yours — the one on the STEM myth. Here is the link: http://www.transterrestrial.com/?p=54084

    There is a good bit wrong with our society. Abusive bullies in government, education and even corporations are forcing our society in directions that will be, in the long run, unhealthy for society and even the bullies. That’s why we have things like the STEM myth and students who major in arts unable to find paying work.

    I will make the comment that the National Academy of Sciences here in DC is now sponsoring events to bring together the science and arts communities. They are discovering that scientists and engineers with an artistic side are more productive as scientists and engineers. On the STEM issue they sponsored a debate on whether there is a STEM shortage this month. I think the people who say there is not a STEM shortage won.

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