3 thoughts on “The NRA”

  1. A buddy asked me what, in my opinion, the antigun side would have to do to make any headway in popular opinion these days. I said it would be nice if they would publicly deepsix (and I mean really dump, not “well, we’re sorry if you were offended when Ms. O’Donnel called you all a pack of murderous thugs…”) some of their most offensive mouthpieces and- by some miracle- got at least one of the rest to get through an entire speech without at least one provable whopper of a lie.
    It would be even better if, in the name of honesty and beginning-at-home, the gungrabbers would limit their official membership to those who have foresworn the use of bodyguards and private security: listening to a woman six-deep in tooled-up private cops, who spends more on her security contract than I spent on my house, explain to me how I should rely on the local police for all of my safety needs lacks a certain…something.
    But it would be best of all if there was any sign that any of the gun-grabbers had any idea of where to stop. We are told repeatedly that this “common sense” or that “safety” law is the last, the only, and the bare minimum… and it is, until next time or next election or next legislative session or next week. As Lawdog says there’s never just one bite of the pie. California, NYC, Massachusetts, the list goes on: registration of one type of gun ALWAYS ends in confiscation or an ever-expanding (and eventually limiting) registration list or both at the same time.

    Truth is, ol’ Conor is right about one thing: the ‘national conversation’ is over. There’s no point talking to someone who not only hates you and lies to and about you, but doesn’t even consider you an equal.

  2. The antis are duplicitous and liars. They have no honor, no shame and talk of compromise is meaningless with such as they. You can’t compromise with a snake.

  3. Dave, the reason they lie is obvious. They can’t win on the truth, their strategy is to fool as many low-information idiots as they can for as long as they can.

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