Recant Your Heresies!

Leftism is a religion, Part 2,354,629:

Eich once made a $1,000 donation to Prop 8, in 2006, shortly before the pro-gay-marriage Senate candidate Barack Obama would be persuaded by the righteousness of the traditional marriage cause, and thus announce his conversion to the proposition that marriage must be as it had been eternally, a union between a man and a woman.

For some reason, the rabid Upper Income White Women (and Feminized White Men) of the tech industry don’t seem to think Barack Obama deserves criticism for that position, but they’re very sure that Eich should either recant or be fired.

As I noted on Twitter the other day, if I were Eich, I wouldn’t let these little fascists mau mau me. I’d tell them that if they really couldn’t tolerate working for such a hateful bigot, they know where the door is.