The Dems Equal-Pay Demagoguery

Apparently even Ruth Marcus has her limits:

…the level of hyperbole — actually, of demagoguery — that Democrats have engaged in here is revolting. It’s entirely understandable, of course: The Senate is up for grabs. Women account for a majority of voters. They tend to favor Democrats. To the extent that women — and in particular, single women — can be motivated to turn out in a midterm election, waving the bloody shirt of unequal pay is smart politics.

One of the Democrats’ favorite disgusting rhetorical tricks is to pretend that if you oppose some particular piece of propose legislation, it can only be because you hate blacks, or women, or poor people, or whatever, and you can’t possibly have some rational good-faith reason to think that it’s a bad idea.

2 thoughts on “The Dems Equal-Pay Demagoguery”

  1. Then, ken, expect to see Baghdad Jim, wearing his onesie, throwing himself between you and your prey, and shouting, “Hunter, spare this demagogue!”

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