3 thoughts on “Flag Day”

  1. I’d rather hang the Gadsen Flag–the flag this country should have kept as the official flag. The sentiment it expresses (“Don’t tread on me!”) is like a punch in the nose to all the State-shtuppers out there who want to make a country founded to a great extent on the ideals of John Locke into a country based on the ideals of Antonio Gramsci and Saul Alinsky.

  2. I have a flagpole in my front yard, which my father installed. For years I flew the flag every day.

    I stopped doing it after the 2012 election. My country has been stolen from me by Communists and the Free Shit Army.

    Since then I only fly the flag on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Last year I flew it upside down on Independence Day. I don’t know whether or not I will do that this year. It may be wise not to call attention to oneself in the United Soviet States of America.

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